Dice Roller

Roll history for Drache

Showing rolls 52 to 71 of 91 | top | next 20 | prev 20

2013-04-20 15:15:12BeornWarhammerBeorn Initiative1d20+7 21
2013-04-20 15:14:28Plague marinesWarhammerPlague Marines Initiative5#1d20+2 20 4 5 13 5
2013-04-19 20:07:49GaiusWarhammerFortitude save against Flare1d20+4 12
2013-04-19 20:04:30GaiusWarhammerAttack of Opportunity1d20+6 10
2013-04-19 02:18:43cultist d2Warhammermagic missile1d4+1 5
2013-04-19 02:15:28cultist b3Warhammershoot at graln1d20+3 21
2013-04-19 02:14:33GralnWarhammershooting @ cultist b31d20+5 9
2013-04-19 02:13:18cultist d2Warhammershoot at graln1d20+3 15
2013-04-19 02:11:10cultist b3WarhammerCultist damage graln1d8 8
2013-04-19 02:10:37cultist b3Warhammerconfirm crit1d20+3 6
2013-04-19 02:09:32cultist b3Warhammershoot at graln1d20+3 22
2013-04-19 02:07:48GralnWarhammershooting @ cultist b31d20+5 16
2013-04-19 02:05:48CultistsWarhammerCultist damage Gaius & graln2#1d8 2 6
2013-04-19 02:04:34CultistsWarhammershooting @ gaius and graln2#1d20+3 23 22
2013-04-18 20:00:20GralnWarhammerGraln unarmed damage1d4+5 7
2013-04-18 19:59:36GralnWarhammerattack of opp on cultist f31d20+6 21
2013-04-18 19:55:58cultist b3Warhammerdamage against gaius1d8 7
2013-04-18 19:53:49cultist b3Warhammershoot at gaius1d20+3 20
2013-04-18 19:49:41GralnWarhammerverify criticle failure1d20+6 9
2013-04-18 19:49:09GralnWarhammerAttacking cultist1d20+6 7

Showing rolls 52 to 71 of 91 | top | next 20 | prev 20

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