Dice Roller

Roll history for Evil Midnight Lurker

Showing rolls 23 to 42 of 42 | top | prev 20

2025-02-22 13:30:40Nebra SkahFists of the Ruby PhoenixWheeling Grab: Grapple with Derring-Do, -82#1d20+15 25 16
2025-02-22 13:26:59Nebra SkahFists of the Ruby PhoenixWheeling Grab Tumble, Acrobatics, Derring-Do2#1d20+22 25 33
2025-02-22 13:17:30Nebra SkahFists of the Ruby PhoenixFrenzied Claw damage2d6+6 17
2025-02-22 13:13:02Nebra SkahFists of the Ruby PhoenixFrenzied Claw attack roll, -4 agile 2nd attack1d20+18 37
2025-02-22 13:08:35Nebra SkahFists of the Ruby PhoenixFrenzied Claw attack roll1d20+22 23
2025-02-16 16:42:30Nebra SkahFists of the Ruby PhoenixSpinebreaker Grapple check with derring-do2#1d20+23 37 33
2025-02-16 16:39:20Nebra SkahFists of the Ruby PhoenixWheeling Grab: Grapple with Derring-Do2#1d20+23 31 40
2025-02-16 16:37:21Nebra SkahFists of the Ruby PhoenixWheeling Grab Tumble, Acrobatics, Derring-Do2#1d20+22 23 29
2025-02-16 16:31:02Nebra SkahFists of the Ruby PhoenixCatfolk Dance acrobatics check1d20+22 38
2025-02-03 09:30:00Nebra SkahFists of the Ruby PhoenixCatfolk Dance acrobatics check1d20+22 41
2025-02-03 09:24:52Nebra SkahFists of the Ruby PhoenixSpinebreaker Grapple check with derring-do2#1d20+22 26 27
2025-02-03 09:16:25Nebra SkahFists of the Ruby PhoenixWheeling Grab: Grapple with Derring-Do2#1d20+23 43 42
2025-02-03 09:06:07Nebra SkahFists of the Ruby PhoenixWheeling Grab Tumble, Acrobatics1d20+22 40
2025-01-28 08:34:22Nebra SkahFists of the Ruby PhoenixPerception check (with spyglass, x8 distance)1d20+18 31
2025-01-28 08:15:44Nebra SkahFists of the Ruby PhoenixTesting3d6+6+4d6 31
2025-01-28 08:06:28Nebra SkahFists of the Ruby PhoenixElixir of Life (moderate)5d6+12 34
2025-01-28 07:10:20Nebra SkahFists of the Ruby PhoenixFinisher and persistent bleeding damage4d6 17
2025-01-28 07:09:20Nebra SkahFists of the Ruby PhoenixClaw non-finisher damage3d6+6 17
2025-01-28 07:06:21Nebra SkahFists of the Ruby PhoenixBleeding Combination Finisher FrenziedClaw, -3 attack1d20+19 35
2025-01-28 06:59:06Nebra SkahFists of the Ruby PhoenixCatfolk Dance acrobatics check1d20+22 24

Showing rolls 23 to 42 of 42 | top | prev 20

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