Dice Roller

Roll history for Felicity

Showing rolls 90 to 109 of 109 | top | prev 20

2023-04-21 13:01:34Milo WhitewoodMonster WranglerD6 EE wrangle checks. Milo, Jinglot, firebird 1, firebird 2! Mischief take 24#6d10o10h7 1 2 8 3
2023-04-21 12:44:02Milo WhitewoodMonster WranglerD6 EE wrangle checks. Milo, Jinglot, firebird 1, firebird 2!4#6d10o10k7 32 42 64 36
2023-04-21 11:57:13Milo WhitewoodMonster WranglerD6 EE wrangle the birb! Part deux6d10o10h7 4
2023-04-21 11:12:12Milo WhitewoodMonster WranglerD6 EE using the cooking beast bait with nature skill. Assisting Mara5d10o10h7 2
2023-04-21 11:03:38Milo WhitewoodMonster WranglerD6 EE mind skill to help Mara with cooking4d10o10h7 2
2023-04-20 13:41:54Milo WhitewoodMonster WranglerD6 EE wrangle the birb!6d10o10h7 1
2023-04-20 07:00:05Milo WhitewoodMonster WranglerD6 EE nature roll with beast bait. Mara has assisted so +2 successes5d10o10h7 2
2023-04-16 10:48:35Milo WhitewoodMonster WranglerD5 thrown roll (agility 2) plus Diva using Ice Ball (technique 5). Improve success value with raise from calculate weak points7d10o10h6 5
2023-04-16 10:00:34Milo WhitewoodMonster WranglerD5 Engineering (Mind) Skill Roll at Difficulty 2. Using engineering skill kit use to up success value by 15d10o10h6 3
2023-04-16 09:55:09Milo WhitewoodMonster WranglerD5 Nature (Mind) Skill Roll at a Difficulty 2 with Diva's help6d10o10h7 4
2023-04-15 17:09:15Milo WhitewoodMonster WranglerD4 LA Diva frightened and action to remove frightened too1d10o10h7 0 1d10o10h7 0
2023-04-13 21:00:04Milo WhitewoodMonster WranglerD4 LE mischief check Wrangle (Energy) Skill Roll at Difficulty 16d10o10h7 4
2023-04-13 20:59:00Milo WhitewoodMonster WranglerD5 camp recovery Medicine (Mind) Skill Roll at Difficulty 2 on others. Using Medicine skill kit use to improve success value by 15d10o10h6 1
2023-04-13 20:57:47Milo WhitewoodMonster WranglerD5 fighting the swarm. 2 from Milo, 5 from Diva using Ice Ball. Df57d10o10h7 5
2023-04-13 20:54:56Milo WhitewoodMonster WranglerD4 LE We need a plan Df 1, Monster Lore (Mind)5d10o10h7 3
2023-04-13 20:54:00Milo WhitewoodMonster WranglerD4 LE Knowledge: Nature (Mind) Df 2, with Diva assisting...6d10o10h7 3
2023-04-13 13:46:31Milo WhitewoodMonster WranglerD3 engineering to heal Diva with extra use of engineering skill kit to improve success value5d10o10h6 3
2023-04-12 17:00:52Milo WhitewoodMonster WranglerD3 EM combat round 4 - slash difficulty 3. +2 rage for enhancement. Command for +1 success. Perhaps +1 again if pounce worked6d10o9h5 1
2023-04-12 12:33:14Milo WhitewoodMonster WranglerD3 early evening wrangling coop with Ari. Use wrangle kit use5d10o10h6 7
2023-04-12 11:44:07Milo WhitewoodMonster WranglerD3 EM combat round 3 - growl. Difficulty 1. -1 from stench!2d10o10h7 1

Showing rolls 90 to 109 of 109 | top | prev 20

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