Dice Roller

Roll history for Garyfury

Showing rolls 537 to 556 of 756 | top | next 20 | prev 20

2024-02-22 17:56:44Kat SchaeferChildren of the SkyOpen Fire +Hard +Gunsight -G3d10k2 11
2024-02-22 17:43:46Kat SchaeferChildren of the SkyDogfight +Daring +Rotary - Agility3d10k2 12
2024-02-22 05:12:13Kat SchaeferChildren of the SkyEyeball +Keen -Visibility2d10+1 12
2024-02-21 17:17:18Kat SchaeferChildren of the SkyEyeball +Keen -Visibility2d10+1 12
2024-02-21 04:00:08Kat SchaeferChildren of the SkyCrit +11d20+1 20
2024-02-21 03:59:10Kat SchaeferChildren of the SkyOpen Fire +Hard +Gunsight2d10 11
2024-02-21 03:55:49Kat SchaeferChildren of the SkyDogfight +Daring -Agility2d10+3 16
2024-02-18 16:40:16Kat SchaeferChildren of the SkyEyeball +Keen +Visibility2d10+1 11
2024-02-18 14:24:08Kat SchaeferChildren of the SkyCrit +41d20+4 17
2024-02-18 14:23:28Kat SchaeferChildren of the SkyCrit +41d20+4 19
2024-02-18 14:20:50Kat SchaeferChildren of the SkyOpen Fire +Hard +Gunsight -G2d10-2 17
2024-02-18 14:09:25Kat SchaeferChildren of the SkyDogfight +Daring+Agility-G3d10k2+2 18
2024-02-17 08:48:22Mr. FetchCrackerjacksChaos Abounding (Hinder / Defend) Cosmiic d10, Creativity d8, Status d61d10 9 1d8 8 1d6 1
2024-02-17 08:44:41Pinstriped BruiserCrackerjacksAttack (Reactor)1d4 3
2024-02-17 08:31:06Fern ElementalCrackerjacksAttack (Amethyst)1d10 7
2024-02-17 08:28:53LeilanaCrackerjacksExquisite Rapture (Exploit Weakness) Illusion d12, Magical Lore d10, Status d61d12 1 1d10 1 1d5 3
2024-02-17 08:20:01Vine ElementalCrackerjacksDamage Save (Amethyst)1d10 2
2024-02-15 17:33:41Pinstriped BruiserCrackerjacksDamage Save (Slapstick)1d4 1
2024-02-14 18:42:20Kat SchaeferChildren of the SkyEyeball +Keen -Visibility -G2d10 4
2024-02-13 17:52:40LeilanaCrackerjacksExquisite Rapture (Exploit Weakness) Illusion d12, Magical Lore d10, Status d81d12 11 1d10 6 1d8 2

Showing rolls 537 to 556 of 756 | top | next 20 | prev 20

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