Dice Roller

Roll history for Half-wit

Showing rolls 18 to 37 of 97 | top | next 20 | prev 20

2018-03-01 15:33:22NeebsBreak Down That Gate!continue pushing on towards the thumbscrew(1d100ro2e100)+11+20+2! 73
2018-02-21 16:19:26NeebsBreak Down That Gate!Stuck in the Threads1d100+12 52
2018-02-20 01:17:29NeebsBreak Down That Gate!Push Towards The Thumbscrew(1d100ro2e100)+10+15! 30
2018-02-14 14:58:38NeebsBreak Down That Gate!Breaking down that gate with the Ram(1d100ro2e100)+9+20+20! 81
2018-02-02 03:22:22NeebsBreak Down That Gate!Loot roll for docile warboar1d100ro1e100! 33
2018-02-02 02:52:23NeebsBreak Down That Gate!Healing the horde's spirits with an entertaining coffin sales pitch(1d100ro1e100)+6! 39
2018-02-02 02:38:31NeebsBreak Down That Gate!Loot Doc's +15 Surgery skillcore1d100ro1e100! 45
2018-01-24 15:23:36NeebsBreak Down That Gate!Monsterist's Enervating Brew reroll - Nurse that drink even more1d100 99
2018-01-24 15:12:00NeebsBreak Down That Gate!Nursing the drink1d100+5+15 120
2018-01-24 15:06:51NeebsBreak Down That Gate!Drinking the Mushbrewm1d4+15 17
2018-01-18 04:27:01NeebsBreak Down That Gate!Reckless brüm sales the enemy commander1d100+15+5+25 52
2018-01-11 04:08:29NeebsBreak Down That Gate!Drunkenly Attacking the WarBoars1d100+3+2+15 74
2018-01-08 16:14:10NeebsBreak Down That Gate!Attack on the third patrol1d100+3+15 57
2018-01-01 07:17:00NeebsBreak Down That Gate!Watch Roll1d100+2 95
2017-12-14 04:21:00NeebsBreak Down That Gate!Drinking knowledge to make a brew mixture1d100+7+10 85
2017-12-07 04:59:57NeebsBreak Down That Gate!Healing the wounded with Neebs Miraculous Wonder-Brew1d100+10+5 105
2017-12-04 18:14:27NeebsBreak Down That Gate!Forcefully offer Agenou a Drink to Hold him Back1d100+7+10 23
2017-12-01 02:15:26NeebsBreak Down That Gate!Mandatory aggressive battlebrum sales demonstration1d100+6+10+1 96
2017-11-28 18:09:53NeebsBreak Down That Gate!Attack the War Drummers1d100+5+10+1 33
2017-11-24 12:51:55NeebsBreak Down That Gate!Chase the escapee, projecting sales-voice to get Fostians to help chase the guy down1d100+10+4 29

Showing rolls 18 to 37 of 97 | top | next 20 | prev 20

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