Dice Roller

Roll history for Hiruma Tetsuya

Showing rolls 1550 to 1569 of 1729 | top | next 20 | prev 20

2020-10-01 17:00:55Gulvos GMCityofspidersD8 Alarys Wisdom Save Vs Spirit Guardians 1d20+8+1d41d20+7+1d4 12
2020-10-01 16:11:17Gulvos GMCityofspidersD8 Spirit Guardians Wisdom Saves; Alarys; EEZ1; 1d20+8+1d4;1d20+5+1d41d20+8+1d4 25 1d20+5+1d4 19
2020-10-01 15:54:22Gulvos GMCityofspidersD8 Vichree's Wisdom Save DC13; 1d20+11d20+1 8
2020-10-01 15:33:56Gulvos GMCityofspidersD8 Elder Eye Zealot 2 Spiritual Weapon Attack on Alyress 1d20+5;1d8+21d20+5 19 1d8+2 10
2020-10-01 15:31:13Gulvos GMCityofspidersD8 Inflict Wounds (2nd) on Vichree; Advantage and Critical if Hits; 2d20k1+5;4d102d20k1+5 9 4d10 20
2020-10-01 15:22:27Gulvos GMCityofspidersD8 Spiritual Weapon EEZ1 Attack on Alyress; 1d20+5;1d8+21d20+5 8 1d8+2 6
2020-10-01 15:12:55Gulvos GMCityofspidersD8 Constitution Save Concentration Alyress DC17; 1d20+2+21d20+4 18
2020-10-01 11:37:29Gulvos GMCityofspidersD8 Concentration Roll Constitution EEZ#2 Hold Person; DC10 1d20+5+1d41d20+5+1d4 27
2020-10-01 09:25:44Gulvos GMCityofspidersD8 Mace of Smiting Damage; Channel Divinity and Divine Strike; 1d8+5;1d8+251d8+5 6 1d8+25 29
2020-10-01 09:21:59Gulvos GMCityofspidersD8 Attack against Alyress; Two mace; 2#1d20+8;2#1d20+8 16 18
2020-09-30 21:41:54Gulvos GMCityofspidersD8 AoO with Black Pudding 1d20+5;1d6+3+4d81d20+5 24 1d6+3+4d8 25
2020-09-30 21:36:55Gulvos GMCityofspidersD8 Crit Reroll on Rahnee 1d81d8 7
2020-09-30 21:36:29Gulvos GMCityofspidersD8 Spiritual Weapons Attack on Rahnee; 2#1d20+5; 1d8+22#1d20+5 25 15 1d8+2 10
2020-09-30 21:32:50Gulvos GMCityofspidersD8 Crossbow Attack On Rahnee; 1d20+7;1d8+31d20+7 10 1d8+3 7
2020-09-30 19:23:35Gulvos GMCityofspidersD8 Alarys' Spiritual Weapon Attack on Rahnee; 1d20+7;1d8+41d20+7 16 1d8+4 5
2020-09-30 19:17:32Gulvos GMCityofspidersD8 Alarys damage on Triel 1d8+5 blud plus 1d8+15 necrotic1d8+5 13 1d8+15 19
2020-09-30 19:12:49Gulvos GMCityofspidersD8 Alarys Multiattack On Triel; Mace of Smiting; two attacks; 2#1d20+82#1d20+8 11 19
2020-09-30 18:53:10Gulvos GMCityofspidersD8 Constitution Save Black Pudding 1d20+3+1d41d20+3+1d4 13
2020-09-30 18:52:04Gulvos GMCityofspidersD8 Black Pudding Attack on Alyress; 1d20+5;1d6+3+4d81d20+5 8 1d6+3+4d8 17
2020-09-30 14:12:34Gulvos GMCityofspidersD8 Crossbows Attack on Triel; 2#1d20+7;2#1d8+32#1d20+7 18 18 2#1d8+3 8 6

Showing rolls 1550 to 1569 of 1729 | top | next 20 | prev 20

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