Dice Roller

Roll history for Illgottengains

Showing rolls 124 to 143 of 163 | top | next 20 | prev 20

2012-08-04 03:27:38Hangar ThugJust another day in paradiseInitiative turn 22d6+6 14
2012-08-04 03:04:36Hangar ThugJust another day in paradiseburst fire5d6t5 3
2012-08-04 02:48:48Hangar ThugJust another day in paradisebullet resist10d6t4 4
2012-08-04 02:48:16Hangar ThugJust another day in paradisequick draw6d6t4 3
2012-08-02 14:37:34Hangar ThugJust another day in paradiseInitiative2d6+6 11
2012-08-01 07:11:49Bathroom thugJust another day in paradiseInitiative13d6t8 2
2012-08-01 06:58:56Bathroom thugJust another day in paradiseInitiative7+2d6 14
2012-06-16 03:26:116d6t4+2d6t4 5
2012-06-15 19:10:192d6t4 1
2012-06-15 18:12:253d6t5 3
2012-06-13 01:37:52driver test8d6o6k1 5
2012-04-04 19:12:511d3 3
2010-09-11 12:12:07Fritzshadowfellin1d20 6
2010-09-11 12:11:02FritzDeft Strike vs AC1d20+10 28 1d6+5 10
2010-08-25 02:28:48Fritzshadowfellinsneak attack2d8+3 11
2010-08-25 02:27:08FritzDeft Strike vs AC1d20+10 20 1d6+5 7
2010-08-25 02:19:47FritzshadowfellinTorturous Strike vs AC1d20+10 30 2d6+8 12
2010-08-10 01:20:46FritzPiercing Strike vs Reflex1d20+10 13 1d6+5 11 2d4+3 7
2010-08-06 22:18:13FritzTorturous Strike vs AC1d20+10 30 2d6+8 15
2010-07-31 14:55:31fritzshadowfellin'1d20+10 11 1d6+5 11 2d4+3 8

Showing rolls 124 to 143 of 163 | top | next 20 | prev 20

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