Dice Roller

Roll history for Isawa Kenshin

Showing rolls 114 to 133 of 233 | top | next 20 | prev 20

2013-07-12 11:29:28Walder KytleySouthron AmbitionsPersuasion (Charm), Blood of the Andals, difficulty 114d6r1 11
2013-07-12 10:23:03Walder KytleySouthron AmbitionsIntrigue Iniative3d6 13
2013-07-10 21:28:14Walder KytleySouthron AmbitionsStatus (Breeding) vs Prince Rhaeger, difficulty 153d6 13
2013-07-10 21:27:40Walder KytleySouthron AmbitionsIntrigue Intiative3d6 11
2013-07-10 10:44:02Walder KytleySouthron AmbitionsPersusaion (Charm), BoA rerolls 1s, +1D from Read Target, difficulty 12. Rerolling, forgot to add +1 from Amiable5d6r1+1 18
2013-07-10 10:38:47Walder KytleySouthron AmbitionsPersusaion (Charm), BoA rerolls 1s, +1D from Read Target, difficulty 125d6r1 19
2013-07-10 08:22:55Walder KytleySouthron AmbitionsPersuasion (Charm), +1D from Read Target, BoA rerolls 1s, difficulty 125d6r1 18
2013-07-10 08:21:29Walder KytleySouthron AmbitionsStatus (Breeding) test for bonus dice, difficulty 123d6 8
2013-07-10 07:18:11Walder KytleySouthron AmbitionsPersuasion (Convince) "it's a bad idea", BoA rerolls 1s, difficulty ?4d6r1 15
2013-07-10 07:07:18Walder KytleySouthron AmbitionsRead target, Awareness vs. ?3d6 12
2013-07-10 05:35:17Walder KytleySouthron AmbitionsIntrigue Initiative3d6 11
2013-07-09 20:41:23Walder KytleySouthron AmbitionsIntrigue Initative3d6 8
2013-07-09 02:32:39Walder KytleySouthron AmbitionsSimple Intrigue: Persuasion (Bargain), forgot to add +1D from Little Birds, 3rd reroll, Blood of Andals rerolls 1s5d6r1 23
2013-07-09 02:07:20Walder KytleySouthron AmbitionsSimple Intrigue: Persuasion (Bargain), Blood of the Andals in effect4d6r1 22
2013-07-09 00:23:39Walder KytleySouthron AmbitionsSimple Intrigue: Bargain, using Persuasion, Blood of the Andals rerolls 1s4d6r2 15
2013-07-08 10:58:09Walder KytleySouthron AmbitionsRumor: Improve Disposition of House Frey towards House Kytley, Persuasion (Charm), Blood of the Andals rerolls 1s, difficulty 8: Lord Ambrose status 5+3 for targeting a faction4d6r2 14
2013-07-08 10:43:14Walder KytleySouthron AmbitionsRumor: Improve Disposition of House Frey towards House Kytley, Persuasion (Charm), Blood of the Andals rerolls 1s, difficulty 7 (highest status 4+3 for targeting a group)4d6r2 21
2013-07-07 12:10:49Walder KytleySouhtron AmbitionsPersuasion (Charm) vs Prince Rhaegar, tn 15, BoA daily bonus for +2 plus rerolling 1s4d6r1+2 18
2013-07-05 11:04:37Walder KytleySouthron AmbitionsAnimal Handling assist, tn 93d6 16
2013-07-05 03:44:20Walder KYtleySouthorn AmbitionsIntrigue intiative3d6 11

Showing rolls 114 to 133 of 233 | top | next 20 | prev 20

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