Dice Roller

Roll history for Jothan

Showing rolls 135 to 154 of 234 | top | next 20 | prev 20

2016-09-02 07:00:00Rear Escort CarNightwatchShootin' Ben4dF+2 4
2016-06-03 10:29:15PilotNightwatchHelicopter racing4dF 1
2016-06-02 20:47:51Mr. PierceNightwatchInterrogate Defense4dF+2 3
2016-06-02 08:49:47PilotNightwatchRamming w/ helicopter4dF -1
2016-06-02 08:33:59Mr. PierceNightwatchTagging spiteful to reroll defense4dF+2 3
2016-06-02 08:32:59Mr. PierceNightwatchInterrogate Defense4dF+2 0
2016-05-31 18:04:12test2Aaaa4dF -2
2015-09-14 17:56:16LeonatosThe Other SpacethreadLeo Initiative1d10+4 8
2015-08-18 06:34:14Angry JimPost the SkyHealth2#8d6k3 15 16
2015-08-18 06:32:44Angry JimPost the SkyMagic3d6+4d6k3 16
2015-08-18 06:30:44Angrier JimPost the SkyMagic3d6+8d6k3 28
2015-08-18 06:28:52Angrier JimPost the SkyHealth2#4d6k3 16 12
2015-08-18 06:22:37Aaron SkyplumePost the SkyMagic5d6k3+6d6k3 24
2015-08-18 06:20:32Aaron SkyplumePost the SkyHealth2#4d6k3 15 12
2015-08-14 06:19:47The Outset Lookout CrewPost the SkyThe Outset Crew Looking Out (vs 9)4d6k2 11
2015-08-12 08:24:15Angrier JimPost the SkyNavigation Check (at -1)1d6 3
2015-08-10 13:41:06Aaron SkyplumePost the SkyMagic Pool4d6k2+5d6k2 21
2015-08-09 08:44:53Clicker WaspPost the SkyWasping the Attack1d6+1 4
2015-08-09 08:43:45Aaron SkyplumePost the SkyAttacking the Wasp2d6 8
2015-08-09 08:36:11Aaron SkyplumePost the SkyKnowledge Check, Engine4d6k2 12

Showing rolls 135 to 154 of 234 | top | next 20 | prev 20

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