Dice Roller

Roll history for Kellsterik

Showing rolls 89 to 108 of 108 | top | prev 20

2015-05-24 21:25:42Bruce BannerSecret Warsbattle meditation1d6 2 1d8 3 1d10 5 1d12 1
2015-05-19 21:28:20Bruce BannerSecret WarsCalling out Emma Frost1d10+1d8+1d6+1d4 15
2014-09-06 15:19:18DesaA Knight out on the TownForce Bind2eF 1 Light Side, 1 Dark Side
2014-09-01 13:26:33The MayorSevere NonlocalityI just wanted to tell you both good luck. We're all counting on you.4dF+5 3
2014-09-01 13:08:04DesaA Knight out on the TownSurvival to navigate1eP+2eA+2eD+2eS 2 failures
2014-08-19 21:59:02DesaA Knight out on the TownSense check to feel a soli game2eF 2 Light Side, 1 Dark Side
2014-08-18 16:50:55DesaA Knight out on the Towninvestigating the history display with Jobal assisting1eP+4eA+1eB+1eD 4 successes, 1 advantage
2014-05-25 16:38:05DaredevilCivil WarMulti-Bonk Combo1d10 8 4#1d8 8 6 1 2
2014-05-25 16:19:43DustCivil WarBAMF substitute1d10 2 3#1d8 4 7 3 1d6 3
2014-05-04 00:43:29DustCivil WarCreating a sand shield1d10 3 3#1d8 1 4 2
2014-03-19 22:52:16Mr. BrightCircle CityWits+Occult(Demonology)7d10h8 1
2014-03-16 22:04:50Mr. BrightCircle CityCompromise, Wits+Manip+2 from cover and circumstances9d10h8 0
2014-03-16 22:02:04Mr. BrightCircle CityWits+Streetwise8d10h8 0
2014-03-05 17:19:31Mr. BrightCircle Cityglitch1d10h10 0
2014-03-05 17:12:49Mr. BrightCircle CityWits+Manipulation+18d10h8 0
2014-03-05 17:09:21Mr. BrightCircle CityPresence+Streetwise+Primum7d10h8 4
2014-03-05 17:06:51Mr. BrightCircle CityWits + Computer8d10o10h8 2
2014-03-05 16:49:56Mr. BrightCircle CityIdentity Theft6d10o10h8 1
2014-03-05 09:55:04orcorcs of tharorc man stat roll7#4d6k3 9 12 11 10 15 13 15
2014-02-19 13:05:20bloodpouch by liefeldMHR chargenmilestones1d5 3

Showing rolls 89 to 108 of 108 | top | prev 20

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