Dice Roller

Roll history for Kelly Pedersen

Showing rolls 25 to 44 of 64 | top | next 20 | prev 20

2016-09-07 15:25:14Holg Folded-HandsFR - Pack Up Your TroublesInitiative roll in battle vs. skeletons in WD cemetary1d20+2 12
2016-04-12 11:57:43HetzirWhen the World TurnsChecking 'riders' for weaknesses with Insight1d20+2 19
2016-04-06 10:01:11HetzirWhen the World TurnsPersuade to convince seer to let us stay with the fallen star1d20+1 5
2016-04-04 20:30:51Holg Folded-HandsPack Up Your TroublesInitiative for first fight in catacombs1d20+2 3
2016-02-09 16:48:15Holg Folded-HandsPack Up Your TroublesInsight roll on Xalana's story1d20+2 5
2015-10-28 10:41:20HetzirLet's Build a Setting!Initiative roll for 1st fight1d20+2 3
2015-10-08 11:42:02HetzirLet's Build a Setting!Persuade roll to barter at 1st waystation (2nd roll with advantage)1d20+1 4
2015-10-08 11:40:51HetzirLet's Build a Setting!Persuade roll to barter at 1st waystation1d20+1 13
2015-10-05 11:09:51HetzirLet's Build a Setting!Insight roll, to analyze his companions' stories1d20+2 19
2015-10-05 11:07:56HetzirLet's Build a Setting!Deception, to conceal parts of his story1d20+3 20
2015-10-05 11:06:25HetzirLet's Build a Setting!Perform roll to tell his story (2nd roll, advantage)1d20+1 3
2015-10-05 11:05:16HetzirLet's Build a Setting!Perform roll to tell his story1d20+1 21
2015-09-01 12:46:07"Victor"Let's Build a Setting!Random Weight Modifier2d4 6
2015-09-01 12:44:38"Victor"Let's Build a Setting!Random Height2d8 7
2015-09-01 12:41:43"Victor"Let's Build a Setting!Hit Points2d10+2 4
2015-03-05 20:58:12Little CoyoteSilver Stars and Black HatsHidden Lore (Free Spirits) to know about watcher spirit on fort3d6 9
2015-03-05 20:53:56Rosie O'MalleySilver Stars and Black HatsHidden Lore (Free Spirits) to see if anything fits descriptions of the murders3d6 8
2015-03-05 20:51:01JoshuaSilver Stars and Black HatsRoll against Occultism to identify dark of the moon3d6 15
2015-03-05 20:42:58JoshuaSilver Stars and Black Hats1st Deduction roll in 1st adventure, Hidden Lore (Lycanthropes)3d6 9
2015-02-26 19:40:46Little CoyoteSilver Stars and Black HatsIQ roll to analyze detected spirits at the fort3d6 5

Showing rolls 25 to 44 of 64 | top | next 20 | prev 20

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