Dice Roller

Roll history for Kitsune ÅŒjo

Showing rolls 339 to 358 of 418 | top | next 20 | prev 20

2020-09-20 20:10:36Murame ShoanBanner of StarsDay 7 fluff athletics jump roll TN254d10o10k3 32
2020-02-19 18:09:54Fathynyu KurrekBankorShadowsDay 9 Tune to the right station impossible fear with cool3eA+5eD 1 success, 2 threat
2020-02-19 16:41:14Fathynyu KurrekBankorShadowsDay 9, Tune to the right station, Athletics hard, heist roll, boost from Bowze boost from CIS2eP+2eA+2eB+3eD+1eS 1 success, 6 advantage
2020-02-19 14:19:11Fathynyu KurrekBankorShadowsDay 9, Tune to the right station, mechanics roll, missed boosts from Bowze/CIS2eB 1 success, 1 advantage
2020-02-19 14:04:28Fathynyu KurrekBankorShadowsDay 9, Tune to the right station, mechanics average, heist roll 11eP+2eA+2eD+1eS 0 successes, 1 advantage
2020-02-18 18:47:49Fathynyu KurrekBankorShadowsDay 9 Battle for Bankor, daunting resilience4eA+4eD 0 successes, 1 advantage
2020-02-18 18:46:44Fathynyu KurrekBankorShadowsDay 9 Battle for Bankor, Lightsaber, hard, upgrade from dapper2eP+2eA+1eC+2eD+3eS 1 failure, 2 threat, 1 Triumph
2020-02-16 14:33:01Fathynyu KurrekBankorShadowsDay 8 seat on the council attack on the inquisitor, aim, second aim, destiny for jedi knight talent2eP+2eA+3eB+2eF+2eC+1eD 5 successes, 1 threat, 1 Despair, 2 Light Side, 1 Dark Side
2020-02-16 13:50:41Fathynyu KurrekBankorShadowsDay 8 seat on the council attack against the inquisitor, aim, second aim, destiny3eP+1eA+3eB+2eC+1eD+2eS 0 successes, 6 advantage
2020-02-15 21:53:34Fathynyu KurrekBankorShadowsDay 8 seat on the council attack against Inquisitor trooper 2, setback from Master2eP+2eA+1eB+1eC+1eD 4 successes, 3 advantage
2020-02-15 19:46:36Fathynyu KurrekBankorShadowsDay 8 seat on the council attack against Inquisitor trooper 1, boost from Petrus,aim, round two2eP+2eA+3eB+1eC+1eD 1 success, 7 advantage
2020-02-15 18:10:49Fathynyu KurrekBankorShadowsDay 8 Boost from verse on attack 11eB 1 success
2020-02-15 18:05:25Fathynyu KurrekBankorShadowsDay 8 seat on the council attack against Inquisitor trooper 1, difficult upgrade from Dapper2eP+2eA+1eB+2eC 2 successes, 3 advantage
2020-02-15 16:11:12Fathynyu KurrekBankorShadowsDay 8 seat on the council vigilance initiative2eA 3 successes
2020-02-15 14:44:58Fathynyu KurrekBankorShadowsDay 8 Trial Event, Lore check, hard, destiny spent1eP+2eA+3eD 2 successes, 4 threat
2020-02-15 14:42:58Fathynyu KurrekBankorShadowsDay 8 Trial Event,Perception check, hard, setback from previous roll, destiny spent1eP+2eA+3eD+1eS 2 successes, 5 threat
2020-02-15 14:41:17Fathynyu KurrekBankorShadowsDay 8 Trial Event, Cool check, average, destiny spent1eP+1eA+2eD 2 successes, 2 threat
2020-02-15 14:40:25Fathynyu KurrekBankorShadowsDay 8 Trial event, vigilance check at average1eA+2eD 0 successes
2020-02-15 14:39:08Fathynyu KurrekBankorShadowsDay 8 Trials Event, Resilience at hard4eA+3eD 0 successes, 1 advantage
2020-02-15 14:37:35Fathynyu KurrekBankorShadowsDay 8 Trial event, lightsaber hard, setback from last roll, upgraded by Dapper, destiny point3eP+1eA+3eC+2eS 1 success, 2 threat, 1 Despair

Showing rolls 339 to 358 of 418 | top | next 20 | prev 20

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