Dice Roller

Roll history for Kuni Takeshi

Showing rolls 14 to 33 of 213 | top | next 20 | prev 20

2014-04-18 08:19:05Kuni TakeshiHollow ThronePath to Inner Peace, tn 17, +4 from Black Scroll, +3 from Wounds6d10o10k3 47
2014-04-18 07:43:16Kuni TakeshiHollow ThroneFires of Purity, tn 146d10o10k3 21
2014-04-18 07:19:07Kuni TakeshiHollow ThroneBe the Mountain, 1 raise for fast casting, 1 raise for duration +4 from Black Scroll, VP spent for +1k1, tn 298d10o10k4 33
2014-04-18 06:18:01Kuni TakeshiHollow ThroneInitative4d10o10k2 21
2014-04-17 11:08:53Kuni TakeshiHollow ThroneHunting/Perception, 1 raise, VP spent, tn 25, scouting Mandira6d10o10k4 28
2014-04-16 11:09:08Kuni TakeshiHollow ThroneRejuvanting Vapors to help Naiya, D8 LE, tn 19, +1k0 from Spellcraft mastery6d10o10k3 21
2014-04-15 23:26:59Kuni TakeshiHollow ThroneLore: Naga Culture/Intelligence, reroll via Dark Paragon, +5 from DP, tn 306d10o10k5+5 32
2014-04-15 23:26:06Kuni TakeshiHollow ThroneLore: Naga Culture/Intelligence, VP spent, 2 raises called, Phantom rank via Sage, tn 306d10o10k5 23
2014-04-15 23:24:24Kuni TakeshiHollow ThroneUntrained Engineering/Intelligence roll, tn 204d10 30
2014-04-15 23:17:14Kuni TakeshiHollow ThroneLore: Spirit Realms/Intelligence, 1 CR for more info6d10o10k4-5 33
2014-04-14 23:57:56Kuni TakeshiHollow ThroneHunting/Perception, 1 raise called to affect Mandira, VP spent, tn 256d10o10k4 50
2014-04-12 11:35:59Kuni TakeshiHollow ThronePath to Inner Peace, tn 10+Black Scroll penalty +4, final tn 14, +1k0 from Spellcraft mastery6d10o10k3 27
2014-04-12 05:13:44Kuni TakeshiHollow ThroneHunting/Perception, VP spent, 1 raise called for recon points towards Shinrin Temple, tn 256d10o10k4 32
2014-04-11 06:21:12Kuni TakeshiHollow ThroneLore: Theology/Intelligence, tn 20, FR from being a shugenja7d10o10k4+5 28
2014-04-11 06:20:11Kuni TakeshiHollow ThroneInvestigation/Perception, tn 154d10o10k3 25
2014-04-11 06:19:26Kuni TakeshiHollow ThroneInvestigation/Perception, tn 154d10o10k3 30
2014-04-11 06:17:54Kuni TakeshiHollow ThroneInvestigation/Perception, tn 154d10o10k3 11
2014-04-11 06:16:30Kuni TakeshiHollow ThroneAthletics/Strength, tn 15, VP spent for Phantom rank4d10o10k3 28
2014-04-11 06:12:34Kuni TakeshiHollow ThroneFear roll, tn 10, adding Honor3d10o10+2 30
2014-04-11 01:35:46Asahina KafuHollow ThroneEarth roll vs tn 152d10o10 14

Showing rolls 14 to 33 of 213 | top | next 20 | prev 20

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