Dice Roller

Roll history for Levan

Showing rolls 204 to 223 of 283 | top | next 20 | prev 20

2020-12-25 13:12:56LevanDream by NightAura perception fledgling6d10h3 3
2020-12-22 04:40:49LevanDream by NightPerception+Empathy6d10h6 5
2020-12-14 06:24:57LevanDream by NightAura perception Gordiana6d10h3 5
2020-12-14 06:23:52LevanDream by NightPerception+Empathy6d10h2 6
2020-12-08 01:47:06LevanDream by NightAura perception Alepius6d10h3 4
2020-12-05 10:20:26LevanDream by NightCharisma+etiquette7d10h6 4
2020-11-24 03:49:41LevanDream by Night3d103d10 15
2020-11-24 03:45:09LevanDream by NightInteligence+occult4d10h8 1
2020-11-21 02:07:45LevanDream by NightCourage+wp4d10h8+1 2
2020-11-19 01:17:47LevanDream by NightAura Perception Alexandros6d10h3 4
2020-11-19 01:17:12LevanDream by NightAura Perception Laudus6d10h3 6
2020-11-16 13:32:19LevanDream by NightAura Perception Theofilos6d10h3 5
2020-11-15 10:25:53LevanDream by NightManpulation+Expression4d10h6 3
2020-11-15 10:24:20LevanDream by NightPerception+Empathy+Auspex6d10h2 4
2020-11-10 02:54:50LevanDream by NightStaking damage18d10h6 8
2020-11-10 02:51:32LevanDream by NightStake horned infernalist10d10h6+7 16
2020-11-09 13:23:56LevanDream by NightInteligence+occult4d10h7 2
2020-11-09 13:08:44LevanDream by NightAura Perception Sart6d10h3 7
2020-11-09 12:29:33LevanDream by NightManipulation+etiquette6d10h6 6
2020-11-09 12:18:00LevanDream by NightInteligence+subterfuge+wp3d10h8+1 3

Showing rolls 204 to 223 of 283 | top | next 20 | prev 20

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