Dice Roller

Roll history for Macam

Showing rolls 19 to 38 of 58 | top | next 20 | prev 20

2013-07-19 18:12:11Ser Aliser ForsythSouthron AmbitionsTilt 2 (High in the saddle +2)6d6k4+4 24
2013-07-19 17:49:13Ser Aliser ForsythSouthron AmbitionsStay in the saddle6d6k5+2 21
2013-07-18 18:33:57Ser Aliser ForsythSouthron Ambitions1st Tilt (defensive -2)6d6k4 15
2013-07-18 18:10:21Ser Aliser ForsythSouthron AmbitionsInitiative3d6 12
2013-07-14 05:20:44Ser Aliser ForsythSouthron AmbitionsWarfare (strategy)3d6 11
2013-07-14 05:17:59Ser Aliser ForsythSouthron AmbitionsAthletics (Strength)4d6k3 14
2013-07-11 06:43:15Ser Aliser ForsythSouthron Ambitionsawareness (read)3d6 11
2013-07-09 15:11:39Ser Aliser ForsythSouthron AmbitionsBreeding3d6 11
2013-07-09 15:08:44Ser Aliser ForsythSouthron AmbitionsInitiative3d6 8
2013-07-07 03:57:32Ser Aliser ForsythSouthron AmbitionsInfluence1d6 6
2013-07-07 03:54:33Ser Aliser ForsythSouthron AmbitionsInfluence1d6 3
2013-07-07 03:52:40Ser Aliser ForsythSouthron AmbitionsInfluence1d6 4
2013-07-06 16:47:31Ser Aliser ForsythSouthron AmbitionsInfluence on reputation1d6 6
2013-07-06 10:23:58Ser Aliser ForsythSouthron AmbitionsAnimal Handling (Hunting Black Bear)5d6+13 33
2013-07-06 09:55:48Ser Aliser ForsythSouthron AmbitionsAnimal Handling (Hunting)5d6+13 37
2013-07-06 04:17:05Ser Aliser ForsythSouthron AmbitionsFighting (Spears)6d6k4+2 20
2013-07-06 04:07:34Ser Aliser ForsythSouthron AmbitionsAnimal Handling (Ride)6d6k5+2 23
2013-07-06 03:55:34Ser Aliser ForsythSouthron AmbitionsStatus (reputation) +1DP4d6k3 14
2013-07-06 03:31:28Ser Aliser ForsythSouthron AmbitionsStatus (tournaments)5d6k3 13
2013-07-04 16:14:01test6d6 29

Showing rolls 19 to 38 of 58 | top | next 20 | prev 20

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