Dice Roller

Roll history for Melinda

Showing rolls 28 to 47 of 67 | top | next 20 | prev 20

2016-07-08 19:50:45MelindaShifting SandsDay 11| Early Morning | Second Blessing of Performance, TN 157d10o10k4 31
2016-07-08 19:28:05MelindaShifting SandsDay 11| Early Morning | Divination Roll, Current Days events. Places Melinda should be, things she can aid.7d10o10k4 32
2016-07-08 12:46:05MelindaShifting SandsDay 10| Late Morning, Three Magi | Lore: Heraldry? vs TN 15, Knowing things of Suleiman4d10k4 24
2016-07-07 19:19:40MelindaShifting SandsDay 10| Balance Roll, Mahdi, Qabal Support | Sincerity vs TN 25, One Raise for Effect, One for Qabal support7d10o10k4 39
2016-07-07 19:04:16MelindaShifting SandsDay 10| Early Evening| Party Time, Dance/Agility vs TN 25 Two Raises to mask Haraam's performance.7d10o10k4 34
2016-07-04 21:17:53MelindaShifting SandsDay 9| Balance Roll, Mahdi, Qabal Support | Sincerity vs TN 25, One Raise for Effect, One for Qabal support7d10o10k4 29
2016-07-04 21:04:58MelindaShifting SandsDay 9| Early Morning| Crafting: Jewelry vs TN 25, Two Called Raises for Quality7d10o10k4 27
2016-07-02 20:25:20MelindaShifting SandsDay 9| Early Afternoon| A Boy and His Horse, Animal Handling vs TN 15? Checking horses comfort at a glance.7d10o10k4 31
2016-07-02 19:08:22MelindaShifting SandsDay 9| Early Evening | Hunting Rakshasa Tracks | Commerce/Intelligence vs TN 40, Free Bolt. Void 1k18d10o10k5 62
2016-07-02 19:06:58MelindaShifting SandsDay 9| Early Evening | Hunting Rakshasa Tracks | Divination/Intelligence vs TN 25 Void 1k18d10o10k5 61
2016-06-30 10:36:31MelindaShifting SandsDay 8| EE, Alea lacta Est| Sincerity for Pardus5d10o10k4 23
2016-06-30 02:35:11MelindaShifting SandsDay 8| Balance Roll, Mahdi, Qabal Support | Sincerity vs TN 25, One Raise for Effect, One for Qabal support5d10o10k4 25
2016-06-27 15:19:04MelindaShifting SandsDay 8| Early Morning| Divination - Unmarked TN, desired information in post. (Direction)7d10o10k4 49
2016-06-26 15:30:51MelindaShifting SandsDay 7| Balance Roll, Mahdi, Ra'Shari | Sincerity vs TN 25, Two Raises for Effect5d10o10k4 20
2016-06-24 23:35:48MelindaShifting SandsDay 7| Gentry Roll| Commerce/Intelligence vs TN 25, Base 15 with Two Raises. Void 1k18d10o10k5 57
2016-06-23 17:22:45MelindaShifting SandsDay 6| Late Morning| Divining Ra'Shari future, TN 15 (Unless decided that information requires higher TN)7d10o10k4 25
2016-06-23 17:19:30MelindaShifting SandsDay 6| Late Morning| Third Blessing of Artisan TN 207d10o10k4 29
2016-06-23 17:18:51MelindaShifting SandsDay 6| Late Morning| Second Blessing of Performance, TN 157d10o10k4 14
2016-06-23 17:18:08MelindaShifting SandsDay 6| Late Morning| First Blessing of Lore, TN 107d10o10k4 26
2016-06-20 22:48:49MelindaShifting SandsDay 5| Balance Roll, Mahdi, Ra'Shari | Sincerity vs TN 25, Two Raises for Effect, Void 1/26d10o10k5 37

Showing rolls 28 to 47 of 67 | top | next 20 | prev 20

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