Dice Roller

Roll history for Moto Nariakira

Showing rolls 37 to 56 of 56 | top | prev 20

2016-09-20 17:38:35Moto NariakiraVulpine regimefluff juijutsu/strength grapple roll round 2, +1k0 from morale5d10o10k3 15
2016-09-19 16:42:30Moto NariakiraVulpine RegimeDay 9 LM -Letters From the Front phase 3, Calligraphy/Intelligence TN 172d10 5
2016-09-19 16:41:30Moto NariakiraVulpine RegimeDay 9 LM -Letters From the Front phase 2, Investigation/Perception, +4 from event participation, 2 raises, TN 307d10o10k3+4 38
2016-09-19 16:38:04Moto NariakiraVulpine RegimeDay 9 LM -Letters From the Front phase 1, courtier/awareness, +1 from ally influence, TN 202d10+1 19
2016-09-18 07:54:39Moto NariakiraVulpine regimeDay 8 EN - investigation/perception #3, +morale, 3 raises, TN 358d10o10k4 41
2016-09-18 07:53:24Moto NariakiraVulpine regimeDay 8 EN - investigation/perception #2, +morale, void for +1k1, 3 raises, TN 359d10o10k5 41
2016-09-18 07:52:09Moto NariakiraVulpine regimeDay 8 EN - investigation/perception, +morale, void for +1k1, 3 raises, TN 359d10o10k5 45
2016-09-18 07:37:36Moto NariakiraVulpine regimeDay 8 EN - Stealth/Agility, +morale, void for +1k1 TN 255d10 31
2016-09-18 07:33:05Moto NariakiraVulpine regimeDay 8 EN - Hunting/Perception, +morale, TN 205d10o10k4 37
2016-09-15 16:57:05Moto NariakiraVulpine regimefluff juijutsu/strength grapple roll round 1, +1k0 from morale5d10o10k3 30
2016-09-12 15:34:23Moto NariakiraVulpine regimeDay 7 EE - Meditation(void recovery)/void, +1k0 from morale, TN 205d10o10k3 31
2016-09-10 14:30:22Moto NariakiraVulpine RegimeDay 6 EE - marked by the Drummer? Void TN 353d10o10 12
2016-09-10 14:30:22Moto NariakiraVulpine RegimeDay 6 EE - marked by the Drummer? Void TN 353d10o10 15
2016-09-10 07:46:44Moto NariakiraVulpine regimeDay 6 EE - Round 1 damage7d10o10k2 25
2016-09-10 07:45:56Moto NariakiraVulpine regimeDay 6 EE - Round 1, attack a goblin, TN 156d10o10k3 17
2016-09-09 20:08:55Moto NariakiraVulpine regimeDay 6 EE - Initiative6d10o10k3 39
2016-09-09 20:08:02Moto NariakiraVulpine regimeDay 6 EE - Fear TN 204d10o10+3 35
2016-09-09 19:24:08Moto NariakiraVulpine RegimeDay 6 EE - Perception/Investigation chanting? Void for +1k1 TN 308d10o10k4 43
2016-09-09 06:48:32Moto NariakiraVulpine regimeDay 6 EE - Tracking Perception/Investigation (notice)7d10ro1o10k3 17
2016-09-07 15:47:14Moto NariakiraVulpine regimeDay 6 EA - Round 5 damage7d10o10k2 24

Showing rolls 37 to 56 of 56 | top | prev 20

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