Dice Roller

Roll history for Mr. Kent

Showing rolls 8 to 27 of 107 | top | next 20 | prev 20

2016-07-13 19:54:26PrismaWyrd of the Wild WoodIcon Check - Dwarf King1d6 6
2016-07-13 19:17:31AvalancheAvengers SWMatter Animate - ground beneath Hulk1d100 71
2016-07-05 18:57:51Voivod Ivan TsetsangGODBOUNDSpirit Save 121d20 6
2016-03-21 15:22:09The MaidGODBOUNDAttacking Chen, To hit1d20+1+4 12
2016-01-19 19:28:26Gadaal AstromancerRed TideWisdom3d6 11
2016-01-19 19:28:08Gadaal AstromancerRed TideStrength3d6 9
2016-01-19 19:27:41Gadaal AstromancerRed TideIntelligence3d6 11
2016-01-19 19:27:03Gadaal AstromancerRed TideDexterity3d6 14
2016-01-19 19:26:39Gadaal AstromancerRed TideConstitution3d6 16
2016-01-19 19:24:16Gadaal AstromancerRed TideCharisma3d6 12
2015-11-14 22:06:30Prof. VV-MENClass1d12 6
2015-11-14 22:05:50Prof. VV-MENV-Type1d12 9
2015-11-14 22:04:58Prof. VV-MENV-Type1d12 12
2015-11-14 22:03:28Prof. VV-MENV-Type1d12 11
2015-11-14 22:02:54Prof. VV-MENTrait1d70 41
2015-11-14 22:01:19Prof. VV-MENV-Type1d12 5
2015-11-14 22:00:46Prof. VV-MENTrait1d70 29
2015-11-14 21:59:27Prof. VV-MENSpecial Power1d100 73
2015-11-14 21:58:43Prof. VV-MENSpecial Power1d100 41
2015-11-14 21:52:33Prof. VV-MENSpecial Power1d100 18

Showing rolls 8 to 27 of 107 | top | next 20 | prev 20

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