Dice Roller

Roll history for ProfessorCirno

Showing rolls 1385 to 1404 of 1424 | top | next 20 | prev 20

2017-02-16 05:35:54Cha RavahZeitgeistReligion1d20+13 30
2017-02-11 05:13:38Cha RavahZeitgeistStreetwise1d20+3 5
2017-02-11 05:09:09Asar RaxiaWhispers of DeathHypnotism vs Will (slide him to V14)1d20+10 15
2017-02-06 13:54:07Asar RaxiaWhispers of DeathCharm of Misplaced Wrath vs Will1d20+10 18
2017-02-06 13:50:29Asar RaxiaWhispers of DeathInfernal Wrath (fire damage)1d6+4 10
2017-02-02 06:24:17Asar RaxiaWhispers of Death (redyellow, yellow, blue, redblue)Color Spray vs Will4#1d20+9+2 25 27 22 29 1d6+5 8
2017-02-01 14:33:29Asar RaxiaWhispers of DeathInitiative1d20+6 10
2017-01-24 06:16:01Asar RaxiaWhispers of DeathArcana (Chameleon's Mask to use it for Stealth)1d20+11 27
2017-01-23 14:29:42AyaanThoughtUnskilled Culture3d6-2 14
2017-01-07 06:25:25NilashwarVoidForgot sneak attack24+2d8+1 33
2017-01-07 06:23:18NilashwarVoidSly Flourish vs AC1d20+13 18 1d4+9+5+1d8 24
2017-01-07 03:02:24Asar RaxiaWhispers of DeathArcana1d20+11 19
2017-01-03 19:36:14HajimeHunter JapanPUNCH!4d10h8 0
2017-01-03 13:52:12Asar RaxiaWhispers of DeathDiplomacy1d20+15 32
2016-12-26 17:25:24JormundKingmaker13AA Very Dwarven Diplomat to bully these frogpeople into doing what I say1d20+8+5 19
2016-12-26 17:14:57JormundKingmaker13ARecovery4d8+2 21
2016-12-26 17:10:38NilashwarVoidSaving Throw1d20 11
2016-12-22 04:41:13Asar RaxiaWhispers of DeathBeguiling Strands vs Will2#1d20+10 12 30 4 4
2016-12-20 06:24:21Asar RaxiaWhispers of DeathCharm of Misplaced Wrath vs Will (near dead yellow north)1d20+10+1 29
2016-12-17 14:49:30HajimeHunter JapanInitiative1d10+5 13

Showing rolls 1385 to 1404 of 1424 | top | next 20 | prev 20

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