Dice Roller

Roll history for Rixy

Showing rolls 364 to 383 of 403 | top | next 20 | prev 20

2017-04-20 08:08:29Asako HiraseHollow ThronePoetry event, D5, Part 2. Using a void for Skill. Calling a Raise. TN is now 204d10o10k3 22
2017-04-20 07:54:20Asako HiraseHollow ThronePoetry event, D5, Part 1. Using a void for Skill. Calling a Raise. TN is now 204d10o10k3 14
2017-04-13 09:23:55Asako HiraseHollow ThroneTo not offend the Unicorn by not doing archery. Etiquette (courtesy)6d10ro1o10k3 32
2017-04-10 13:02:22Asako HiraseHollow ThroneTrying to ID the Ivory Netsuke. Free Raise because it's a Lore check, negates the -5 penalty to everything from sickness. TN is 254d10o10k3 11
2017-04-10 12:58:53Asako HiraseHollow ThroneTrying to ID the Ivory Netsuke. Free Raise because it's a Lore check, negates the -5 penalty to everything from sickness. TN is 256d10o10k3 23
2017-04-10 06:23:08Asako HiraseHollow ThroneBi-Lingual convo. TN is 20 because of sickness, not 15.6d10o10k3 23
2017-04-10 06:19:06Asako HiraseHollow ThroneStory problems take 4. TN is 20 because of sickness, not 15.3d10 22
2017-04-10 06:18:42Asako HiraseHollow ThroneStory problems take 3. TN is 20 because of sickness, not 15.3d10 16
2017-04-10 06:18:22Asako HiraseHollow ThroneStory problems take 2. TN is 20 because of sickness, not 15.3d10 15
2017-04-10 06:17:53Asako HiraseHollow ThroneStory problems. Adding void for 1k1. TN is 20 because of sickness, not 15.4d10 15
2017-04-10 06:16:32Asako HiraseHollow ThroneSquigles and Lines. +1k0 due to language. Adding void for 1k1. TN is 20 because of sickness, not 15.5d10k4 26
2017-04-06 12:51:34Asako HiraseHollow ThroneThe other Etiquette bit I missed. Oops. One raise, TN 156d10o10k3 19
2017-04-06 12:40:18Asako HiraseHollow Throne"Digestive disaster" portion. Why, yes, I would like to use a void. TN 15.3d10o10k3 12
2017-04-06 12:37:35Asako HiraseHollow Throne"I speak well" part of the event. I am calling another raise for a TN of 156d10o10k3 30
2017-04-06 12:34:33Asako HiraseHollow Throne"I am Interesting" part of the event. Lore: Yobanjin. I get a free raise because of Asako tech. I am calling a raise for a TN of 156d10o10k3 27
2016-09-19 18:07:20Daidoji SatokoVulpine RegimeLetter writing. Part 3, Void for 1k1. TN 17 due to bias.4d10 18
2016-09-19 18:06:24Daidoji SatokoVulpine RegimeLetter writing. Part 2, Void for +1k1, One raise. Bias -2, events +3. TN 257d10o10k4+1 41
2016-09-19 14:16:23Daidoji SatokoVulpine RegimeCourtier to try and say nice things about Sakurako. Void for 1k1. TN 153d10 18
2016-09-19 14:15:06Daidoji SatokoVulpine RegimeEttiquette: Yielding points to Sakurako. Using the two free raises from the first impression to drop the TN to 5 because I mistrust Orokos immensely.3d10o10k2 15
2016-09-18 16:14:45Daidoji SatokoVulpine RegimeLie detector test.7d10o10k3 16

Showing rolls 364 to 383 of 403 | top | next 20 | prev 20

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