Dice Roller

Roll history for Sepulchritude

Showing rolls 75 to 94 of 114 | top | next 20 | prev 20

2021-08-22 17:45:35AhrafiilGrim Hollow (pandorym)Curse progression TN 41d20 3
2021-08-18 17:38:36YgridThe Impossibility SeekersPersuasion and another bene1d8o8! 4 1d6o6! 4
2021-08-18 17:38:02YgridThe Impossibility SeekersPersuasion1d8o8! 3 1d6o6! 1
2021-08-18 17:29:15YgridThe Impossibility SeekersEmpathy bennie 11d10o10! 3 1d6o6! 5
2021-08-18 17:26:18YgridThe Impossibility SeekersEmpathy activation1d10o10! 3 1d6o6! 4
2021-08-18 14:42:57AhrafiilGrim Hollow (pandorym)I'm sure a deception roll is called for this time.1d20+4 10
2021-08-08 22:50:53YgridThe Impossibility Seekerswait that d10 was wrong1d8o8! 7
2021-08-08 22:50:21YgridThe Impossibility Seekersfoiled persuasion1d10o10! 2 1d6o6! 4
2021-08-07 21:14:00AhrafiilGrim Hollow (pandorym)History of the dishes1d20+1d4+2 13
2021-08-07 21:11:34AhrafiilGrim Hollow (pandorym)wis save1+1d20 4
2021-08-01 11:43:18Unleash2d6+1 8
2021-07-28 06:46:53AhrafiilGrim Hollow (pandorym)Ominous TN31d20 3
2021-07-15 03:05:54AhrafiilGrim Hollow (pandorym)Charisma (Performance × Brass)2d20k1+7 25
2021-07-13 16:34:32Jagoda LahovariJourney to the East*kapush*5#1d20+5 8 18 21 15 12
2021-07-10 09:03:53MizuGod's Middle ChildrenFlirting8d20 94
2021-07-06 21:03:03Jagoda LahovariJourney to the Eaststarting wealth?3d6 11
2021-06-30 20:24:22AhrafiilGrim TidingsHealing word1d4+3 7
2021-06-30 20:20:24AhrafiilGrim TidingsConcentration1d20 4
2021-06-23 10:09:56AhrafiilGrim Hollow (pandorym)Initiative1d20+2 10
2021-06-23 10:08:14AhrafiilGrim Hollow (pandorym)Rapier attack; damage with psychic blades1d20+4 16 1d8+2d6+2 16

Showing rolls 75 to 94 of 114 | top | next 20 | prev 20

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