Dice Roller

Roll history for SlothBear

Showing rolls 389 to 408 of 688 | top | next 20 | prev 20

2012-01-04 20:06:58ZoeyFactionsMagic Misisle Swarm!2d10o10k1+8 12
2012-01-04 20:06:15ZoeyFactionsImplement1d10o10 8
2012-01-04 20:05:46ZoeyFactionsSpell Might Magic Missile4d10o10+2 21
2012-01-04 20:04:56ZoeyFactionsStrong Minded3d10o10 15
2012-01-04 20:03:00ZoeyFactionsMagic Missile Damage2d10o10k1+7 24
2012-01-04 20:02:28ZoeyFactionsImpement1d10o10 5
2012-01-04 20:01:39ZoeyFactionsSpell Might Magic Missile4d10o10k4+2 14
2012-01-04 19:49:53ZoeySpFactionsWillpower / Composure3d10o10 17 2d10o10 11
2012-01-04 19:48:30ZoeyFactionsWisdom, Composure3d10o10 19 2d10o10 9
2012-01-02 23:01:20ZoeyFactionsAvoid urge to shudder (Composure)2d10o10 17
2012-01-01 20:21:353d10 14
2012-01-01 20:21:08Alternate IltaniAlternate Space PiratesPsychic Phenomena2#1d100 28 45
2011-12-30 18:23:37awesome peoplefiasco3dice16#1d6 6 1 2 5 3 3 2 6 5 6 1...
2011-12-25 17:58:38awesome peoplefiasco2dice dice dice20#1d6 5 4 6 4 1 4 3 1 2 6 3...
2011-12-25 16:01:53MuldoonSpace PiratesDamage4d10o10k2+2 17 1d10 10
2011-12-25 16:01:02Nega MalyaSpace PiratesDodge5d10o10k4 31
2011-12-25 16:00:17MuldoonSpace PiratesAimed Attack5d10o10k3+1 33
2011-12-25 15:58:26Nega MalyaSpace PiratesStandard Attack5d10o10k3+1 11
2011-12-25 15:57:59MuldoonSpace PiratesAll Out Attack5d10o10k2 15
2011-12-25 15:55:18Malya / MuldoonSpace PiratesDisarm7d10o10k4 32 6d10o10k4 56

Showing rolls 389 to 408 of 688 | top | next 20 | prev 20

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