Dice Roller

Roll history for The GM

Showing rolls 63 to 82 of 162 | top | next 20 | prev 20

2016-06-29 06:43:09WinipIsle of DarksmokeWinip's sabre attack3d6+26 38
2016-06-28 13:23:31Rochin del GrazIsle of DarksmokeRound 26d6+30 54
2016-06-28 07:16:54The GMIsle of DarksmokeSpider Demon's Attack25d6+80 162
2016-06-28 07:02:54The GMIsle of DarksmokeWinip's Damage2d6+36 41
2016-06-28 07:01:18The GMIsle of DarksmokeWinip's DARO2d6 8
2016-06-28 07:00:15The GMIsle of DarksmokeWinip's DEX SR to hit2d6 2
2016-06-27 19:14:34The GMIsle of DarksmokeRochin del Graz6d6+30 55
2016-06-24 12:12:18The GMIsle of DarksmokeWinip's DX boon1d6 2
2016-05-29 08:14:13The GMIsle of DarksmokeWinip's add to CON1d6+1 3
2016-05-13 06:43:01The GMIsle of DarksmokeCON SR for WInip2d6 7
2016-04-28 16:14:46The GMIsle of DarksmokeIdol's Attack Rd. 318d6+110 179
2016-04-28 16:08:43The GMIsle of DarksmokeKhloemar Rd 3 Attack2d6+9 17
2016-04-28 16:07:28The GMIsle of DarksmokeWinip Rd. 3 Attack3d6+24 35
2016-04-28 16:05:49The GMIsle of DarksmokeRochin Rd. 3 Attack6d6+30 47
2016-04-28 07:05:40The GMIsle of DarksmokeIdol's Attack Rd. 224d6+110 200
2016-04-28 07:03:28The GMIsle of DarksmokeWinip's Attack3d6+24 36
2016-04-28 07:02:46The GMIsle of DarksmokeKhloemar's Attack2d6+9 16
2016-04-27 13:50:33Rochin del GrazIsle of DarksmokeRd. 2 Combat6d6+30 52
2016-04-26 17:36:14The GMIsle of DarksmokeIdol's Attack24d6+110 206
2016-04-26 17:21:43The GMIsle of DarksmokeRochin's Attack6d6 20

Showing rolls 63 to 82 of 162 | top | next 20 | prev 20

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