Dice Roller

Roll history for Trollhawke8

Showing rolls 12 to 31 of 51 | top | next 20 | prev 20

2016-05-22 16:34:36N/AHH gamerandom spass group generator 11d18+3d25+1d50+1d5 59
2016-05-22 16:30:33N/AHH gamerandom spass group generator 11d18+3d25+1d50+1d5 70
2016-05-22 16:29:23N/AHH gamerandom spass group generator 11d50+1d5 50
2016-05-22 16:27:30N/AHH gamerandom spass group generator 11d18+3d25+1d50+1d5 67
2016-05-22 16:26:35N/AHH gamerandom spass group generator 11d18+3d25+1d5 47
2016-05-21 13:06:08Rioters vs HESMHR Civil War 2Wait, foam?6d6 22
2016-05-21 13:04:44RiotersMHR Civil War 2Rioters, attack!5d6+2d8 36
2016-05-21 12:56:44Rioters vs V107-AMHRNo, we MUST riot! (Team dice, Fight or Fight positive, mental resistance, spend a doom to add set to riot as positive)5d6+2d8+1d6 38
2016-05-21 12:48:22Doom Pool vs Ferrus ManusMHRReaction to asset creation2d8+1d6 14
2016-05-21 12:35:36AIM AgentMHR Civil war 2Nein Das Boot(Solo+body armour+combat)1d4+2d8 13
2016-05-21 12:08:47The doom poolMHR Civil War IIreacting to Taskmaster's action2d8+1d6 10
2016-05-21 12:08:36The doom poolMHR Civil War IIreacting to Taskmaster's action2d6+1d6 13
2016-05-18 12:53:01Last AIM Assault trooper, GwensideMHR Civil War 2Forget you and forget your pizzas! (Solo, Better terrorism through science, Blaster rifle, combat expertise + physical stress die)1d4+1d6+3d8 23
2016-05-18 12:38:08AIM vs GwenpoolMHR Civil War IIShingeki no Kyohno! (attempting to avoid dying, affiliation + body armour + combat)3d6+2d8 18
2016-05-18 12:10:29AIM Hornet againMHR Civil War 2Attempting to avoid being blinded (Solo, Aerial ace positive, Flight)3d8 16
2016-05-18 12:03:19AIM Hornet 3MHR Civil War IIGunning Run around Jubilee (Solo D8, AIM Ace D8 Combat Expert, D8 Flight, D8 Machine gun for gunning run)5d8 31
2016-05-18 11:55:28AIM Assault troopers roll 2MHR Civil War 2AoE attack2d8+3d6 24
2016-05-18 09:36:13AIM Hornet combat 1MHR Civil War IITaskmaster reaction1d6+2d8 20
2016-05-18 09:28:21AIM Assault troopers combat 1MHR Civil War IIReaction to Taskmaster3d6+2d8 21
2016-05-17 14:38:03???MHR Civil War IIIs Ferrus Manus spotted?3d6+1d8 16

Showing rolls 12 to 31 of 51 | top | next 20 | prev 20

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