Dice Roller

Roll history for Tunos

Showing rolls 900 to 919 of 999 | top | next 20 | prev 20

2019-03-04 20:54:41Shinjo Hua FanIron HeartsD7 - meditation after leaving aqhaba (EA most likely), TN 20, 6k36d10o10k3 51
2019-03-04 20:53:03Shinjo Hua FanIron HeartsD7 - Roll to leave Aqhaba ; TN 20, 3k3 void to 4k4 (after LM if not meeting dahabi)4d10 27
2019-03-04 20:26:41Shinjo Hua FanIron HeartsD6 - Mamluk future telling; Visions of the Future; TN 20 base + 5 (mechanics + friendly kami) TN 25; 6k3 base, attempt number 26d10o10k3 34
2019-03-04 20:23:28Shinjo Hua FanIron HeartsD6 - Mamluk future telling; Visions of the Future; TN 20 base + 5 (mechanics + friendly kami) TN 25; 6k3 base, void to 7k47d10o10k4 24
2019-03-01 21:59:52Shinjo Hua FanIron HeartsD7 - stealth to get into city; 3k3 unskilled void to 4k44d10 30
2019-03-01 07:19:04Shinjo Hua FanIron HeartsD6 - Divination for. Ksehig, 2 raises for clarity, 6k3 +3k0 spell, 9k3, void to 10k410d10o10k4 34
2019-03-01 07:02:59Shinjo Hua FanIron HeartsD6 - Fire 1 spell before Divination, TN 20 6k36d10o10k3 31
2019-02-28 21:34:55Shinjo Hua FanIron HeartsD6 - Sway Roll; Naoko - Animal Handling / Str : TN 30, FR for Yobanjin (for effect), FR for Khagan support (to lower TN), stake 2 ranks of status, TN 25, 6k3 base, 7k4 Chikushudo, 8k5 void8d10o10k5 42
2019-02-22 15:57:16Shinjo Hua FanIron HeartsD5 - LE - Your Grand Theory; TN 100 - 90 (9 aha points!) 3k3 intelligence, void to 4k4 TN 104d10o10 8
2019-02-22 15:54:48Shinjo Hua FanIron HeartsD5 - LE , Divination roll, TN 25 + 10 (2 CR) + 1 FR applied for effect, TN 35; 6k3 base, spell 9k3, void to 10k4 TN 35, success yields 2 points (2 CR and 1 FR)10d10o10k4 38
2019-02-22 15:53:30Shinjo Hua FanIron HeartsD5 - LE - spell casting roll; FIre 1, TN 10 + 10 (mechanics) TN 20, 6k36d10o10k3 34
2019-02-22 15:48:48Shinjo Hua FanIron HeartsD5 - EE seeking truth Divination roll 1; TN 25 + 5 (1 CR) TN 30, 1 FR from extra koku spent applied for effect; TN 30, 6k3 base, 9k3 spell, void to 10k410d10o10k4 56
2019-02-22 15:46:12Shinjo Hua FanIron HeartsD5 - EE spell casting roll attempt 2; Fire 1, TN 20, 6k36d10o10k3 20
2019-02-22 15:45:22Shinjo Hua FanShadows Over NaishouD5 - EE - spell casting roll; Fire 1, TN 10 + 10 (mechanics) TN 20, 6k36d10o10k3 17
2019-02-22 09:24:24Shinjo Hua FanIron HeartsD5 - LA, become a cat! TN 15+5(mechanics), two free raises to lower TN final TN 10, 6K3 base6d10o10k3 49
2019-02-22 06:07:02Shinjo Hua FanIron HeartsD5 - search for truth reroll due to GM feedback, becoming a cat x 2, TN 15 + 5(mechanical stuff) -TN 20 - first roll, 2 FR for effect, final Tn 20, second roll 2 FR for effect + 1CR, Final TN 25, void on both, dice pool still 7k4, rolls taken in order2#7d10o10k4 30 50
2019-02-21 20:22:05Shinjo Hua FanIron HeartsD5 - EA - Meditation TN 20, 6k3 for 2 vp6d10o10k3 28
2019-02-21 20:19:13Shinjo Hua FanIron HeartsD5 - LM, spell casting to become a cat; TN 15, +5 (1 CR for effect), 2 FR from skill/ advantages = TN 20 , void to 7k47d10o10k4 31
2019-02-21 20:09:57Shinjo Hua FanIron HeartsD5 - EM, spell casting to become a cat: TN 15 base, + 10 ( 2 CR) = TN 25, 2 FR from skills, and advantage applied towards raise; TN 25 = 6k3 base, void to 7k47d10o10k4 26
2019-02-15 20:38:00Suzume RaikiShadows Over NaishouD12 - daily ground war, iai - TN 15 + 3 raises, TN 30, 8k3 base, void to 9k49d10o10k4 33

Showing rolls 900 to 919 of 999 | top | next 20 | prev 20

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