Dice Roller

Roll history for Wolery

Showing rolls 174 to 193 of 253 | top | next 20 | prev 20

2018-10-21 19:24:14Shaiha NililDestiny of the DesertArcana in the spooky water room1d20+19 28
2018-10-13 21:57:15SevitFate of LegendsSaving Throw vs Ongoing Fire1d20+3 20
2018-10-13 21:17:57SevitFate of LegendsDemon-Soul Bolts vs Aquasold (CRIT DICE)5d8 21
2018-10-13 21:13:11SevitFate of LegendsDemon-Soul Bolts vs Aquasold3#1d20+35 54 48 55 3#1d8+43 44 45 51
2018-10-07 23:37:23SevitFate of LegendsSwords of the Marilith on Aquamin; Limesold; Pinkmin; Pinksold; Fuchsold5#1d20+29 45 34 46 40 30 3d6+35 46
2018-10-07 23:14:20SevitFate of LegendsDragonfear on Redmin; Aquamin; Limesold; Pinkmin; Pinksold; Fuchsold; Aquasold7#1d20+31 33 46 32 34 43 47 35
2018-10-07 22:57:16SevitFate of LegendsBlazing Starfall Saving Throw vs Restrained - AGAIN (Phylactery of Action)1d20+2 22
2018-10-07 22:56:03SevitFate of LegendsBlazing Starfall Saving Throw vs Restrained1d20+2 3
2018-10-07 22:53:29SevitFate of LegendsCrit Dice on Fuchsold Blazing Starfall5d8 24
2018-10-07 22:49:05SevitFate of LegendsBlazing Starfall Fuchsold ACTUALLY - WHOOPS SCREWED THE LAST ONE UP1d20+27 47 2d4+35 40
2018-10-07 22:47:34SevitFate of LegendsBlazing Starfall Fuchsmin; Fuchsold1d20+27 34 2d4+35 41
2018-09-16 01:29:53SevitFate of LegendsDragonfrost the goddess of dragons1d20+31 44 2d8+52 58
2018-08-24 03:35:43SevitFate of LegendsDemon-Soul Bolts vs Tiamat (Gladys Reroll)1d20+29 39
2018-08-24 03:34:46SevitFate of LegendsDemon-Soul Bolts vs Tiamat3#1d20+29 32 32 39 3#1d8+52 55 58 58
2018-08-19 02:05:08SevitFate of LegendsQS: Blazing Starfall on Tiamat1d20+29 35 2d4+35 43
2018-08-19 01:56:34SevitFate of LegendsSun and Stars Secondary Reroll1d20+29 36
2018-08-19 01:54:32SevitFate of LegendsSun and Stars CRIT!! on Tiamat5d8 20
2018-08-19 01:49:58SevitFate of LegendsSun and Stars on Tiamat1d20+29 49 2d6+35 43 1d20+29 34 3d6+35 39
2018-08-07 02:21:54Shaiha NililDestiny of the DesertSudden Slime Limeraid; Limewar2#1d20+18 34 24
2018-08-07 02:10:16Shaiha NililDestiny of the DesertCrit Dice on Captain3d8+21 44

Showing rolls 174 to 193 of 253 | top | next 20 | prev 20

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