Dice Roller

Roll history for adamu

Showing rolls 429 to 448 of 628 | top | next 20 | prev 20

2018-11-06 14:06:52AlTexashardware on failsafe14d6t5 6
2018-11-06 12:43:35AlTexashot wire?16d6t5 3
2018-11-06 12:25:55Altexafirst extended on anti-theft14d6t5 8
2018-11-06 12:23:01Altexashardware for anti-tamper14d6t5 5
2018-11-06 12:20:30AlTexassneaking for three14d6t5 3
2018-11-01 04:47:19Altexasjudge intentions12d6t5 5
2018-10-26 10:08:21AltexasSneaking while looking14d6t5 4
2018-10-26 10:06:58altexasLooking for anyone or anything watching the morgue13d6t5 4
2018-10-26 10:05:45AltexasNew matrix search as described in IC post10d6t5 4
2018-10-26 04:09:12altexasperception test for miscellaneous clues in car13d6t5 7
2018-10-26 04:08:22altexasauto mechanic test17d6t5 5
2018-10-26 04:07:18altexaslocksmith test adding nimble fingers11d6t5 4
2018-10-26 04:06:21altexashardware test13d6t5 3
2018-10-26 04:05:22Altexasperception for trouble at car13d6t5 4
2018-10-26 04:04:36altexasmatrix search on flag10d6t5 3
2018-10-25 17:03:53AlTexastwo tracking tests2#15d6t5 5 5
2018-10-25 17:02:21AltexasPerception test of crime scene13d6t5 6
2018-09-10 16:37:32AlBoStwo dodges2#15d6t5 6 7
2018-09-10 16:35:42AlBoSDouble Joyful Hug of Cousins2#8d6h5 2 1
2018-09-10 16:33:422072 AlBoSInitiative2d6 5

Showing rolls 429 to 448 of 628 | top | next 20 | prev 20

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