Dice Roller

Roll history for blackadder

Showing rolls 17 to 36 of 56 | top | next 20 | prev 20

2019-05-12 10:16:33Gerold FilianatisDe Maledicto AnatisCharacteristics generation9#2d10+25 45 34 30 39 38 39 31 37 35
2019-05-09 23:07:32LarsA candle in the darkAim + attack cultist number 71d100 82
2019-04-26 00:23:06LarsBlood mooninitiative1d10 8
2019-04-26 00:21:27LarsBlood moonFear1d100 8
2019-04-22 00:11:59LarsBlood moonStealth roll1d100+40 54
2019-04-17 23:55:23LazarusHalo starsArcheotech andorid autopsy1d100 44
2019-04-17 23:47:03LazarusHalo startsTech use android autopsy1d100 58
2019-04-04 01:12:15LazarusHalo starsTech use autopsy 21d100 9
2019-03-28 08:40:33Magos LazarusHalo Stars: There and back againTech use skill test - "operationg" on android1d100 66
2019-03-22 01:24:48LarsBlood MoonAwareness (Ag) - looking for anything that could be used as a weapon1d100 88
2019-03-18 07:05:40LarsBlood moonAwareness - perception; in the dig site; rerool with keen intuition on -101d100 17
2019-03-16 12:45:37LarsBlood moonAwareness - perception; in the dig site1d100 98
2019-02-04 22:57:40LarsBlood MoonStealth while running down the corridor1d100 17
2019-01-22 23:55:47LarsBlood MoonStrenght test against the door1d100 32
2019-01-18 05:44:26Magos Artisan LazarusThere and back againDivinations Roll1d100 62
2019-01-18 05:43:29Magos Artisan LazarusThere and back againWounds roll1d5+8 10
2019-01-18 05:42:52Magos Artisan LazarusThere and back againEmperors Blessing1d10 4
2019-01-18 05:41:02Magos Artisan LazarusThere and back againCharacteristic generation-T;Reroll3d10+20 46
2019-01-18 05:39:09Magos Artisan LazarusThere and back againCharacteristic generation;-Characteristic;Fel3d10+20 29
2019-01-18 05:38:03Magos Artisan LazarusThere and back againCharacteristic generation;+Characteristics;T;Int2#3d10+20 33 46

Showing rolls 17 to 36 of 56 | top | next 20 | prev 20

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