Dice Roller

Roll history for cebo

Showing rolls 1307 to 1326 of 1326 | top | prev 20

2021-09-11 18:09:57morthos1d20 17
2019-08-14 16:47:01Lord AlliserGreat bastardsPhase 2.5 AFOC a toast Test Status (Reputation)+Chivalry TN 18d6k5+3 25
2019-08-05 12:42:31Lord AlliserGreat bastardsPhase 2.5 GDFC deception disguise tn 134d6 10
2019-08-05 12:33:32Lord AlliserGreat bastardsPhase 2.5 GDFC zealot tn 154d6k3 15
2019-08-01 17:51:59Lord AlliserGreat bastardsTurbulent Septon, Status TN 15, E5d6+4+3 29
2019-08-01 17:49:59Lord AlliserGreat bastardsTurbulent septon Persuasion (Various)+chivalry/virtue TN 12 E6d6k4+3+4 27
2019-08-01 17:48:20Lord AlliserGreat bastardsTurbulent Septon, cunning logic TN 9 E6d6k4+4 21
2019-08-01 17:44:31Lord AlliserGreat bastardsTurbulent Septon, Awareness empathy TN 96d6k4 15
2019-04-25 13:47:20Lord AlliserGreat bastards[phase 2] Tacticians tournament TN 9 persuasion incite4d6+3 20
2019-04-25 13:44:52Lord AlliserGreat bastards[phase 2] Tacticians tournament TN 12 cunning logic6d6k4 19
2019-04-25 13:43:47Lord AlliserGreat bastards[phase 2] Tacticians tournament TN 12 awareness notice6d6k4 16
2019-04-25 13:40:09Lord AlliserGreat bastards[phase 2] Tacticians tournament TN 12 zealot +1b1d6 2
2019-04-23 08:37:35Lord AlliserGreat bastards[phase 2] Tacticians tournament TN 12 zealot3d6 11
2019-04-18 22:20:00Lord AlliserGreat bastards[phase 2] all the fun at the fair, will dedication zealot TN 12?4d6k3 5
2019-04-16 03:47:24Lord AlliserGreat bastardsPhase 1 house fortunes status(reputation)+chivalry+assists+1D-1D vs TN 218d6k5+3+2 24
2019-03-26 02:42:48Lord AlliserGreat bastards[aftermath] zealot (only triggering vindictive to get revenge on a plot ruined) TN 124d6k3 12
2019-03-23 14:02:55Lord AlliserGreat bastards[phase 1] house fortunes. Loan of 24, 3d6 random, 7d6k5+4 curry favor in old Town3d6 9 7d6k5+4 24
2019-03-23 13:36:40Lord AlliserGreat bastards[phase 1] waking nightmare status rep meet see Abelar8d6k6 33
2019-03-23 13:34:04Lord AlliserGreat bastards[phase 1] waking nightmare zealot Abelar4d6k3 11
2019-03-23 11:38:24Lord AlliserGreat bastards[phase 1] AMDM rnd 2 awareness empathy6d6k4 21

Showing rolls 1307 to 1326 of 1326 | top | prev 20

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