Dice Roller

Roll history for forever_peace

Showing rolls 87 to 106 of 126 | top | next 20 | prev 20

2016-04-19 20:37:11Clive WearlingStolen LandPerformance (Cittern); DC 151d20+5 19
2016-04-02 08:15:52Elorin OccasioEberronDetail on the Carafe? (% with disadvantage)2d100l1 19
2016-03-01 20:22:38Clive WearlingStolen Land% volume for weed song1d100 25
2016-02-23 05:26:43Clive WearlingStolen LandDissonant Whispers3d6 9
2016-02-20 08:38:27Clive WearlingStolen LandVicious Mockery1d4 4
2016-02-19 04:34:25Elorin OccasioEberronAttack; Damage2d20k1+5 23 1d10 10
2016-02-12 13:37:40Clive WearlingStolen LandJob for wilderness surveyor? Y/N1d2 1
2016-02-07 19:24:29Clive WearlingStolen LandInsight on bandit woman1d20+3 19
2016-02-03 04:54:25Elorin OccasioEberronChromatic Orb - attack; damage; magic surge1d20+6 20 3d8 10 1d20 11
2016-01-26 15:49:02Clive WearlingStolen LandHow groggy is Clive? (%)1d100 77
2016-01-24 04:52:20Elorin OccasioEberronHero Point to attack roll1d6 1
2016-01-24 04:50:20Elorin OccasioEberronChromatic Orb - attack; damage; magic surge1d20+6 12 3d8 17 1d20 20
2016-01-17 09:16:03Elorin OccasioEberronPersuasion hero point1d6 5
2016-01-17 09:14:51Elorin OccasioEberronPersuade the Guards3d20k1+6 19
2016-01-17 08:08:23Elorin OccasioEberronElorin Confusion?1d100-10 69
2016-01-14 19:44:07Clive WearlingStolen LandVicious Mockery1d4 4
2016-01-14 16:47:20Clive WearlingStolen LandDeception+hero1d20+5+1d6 16
2015-12-30 13:39:39Elorin OccasioEberronsprint and write? (acrobatics)1d20+4 22
2015-12-30 13:37:12Elorin OccasioEberronTime til writing1d30 29
2015-12-28 13:54:19ElorinEberronFirebolt1d20+6 23 1d10 6

Showing rolls 87 to 106 of 126 | top | next 20 | prev 20

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