Dice Roller

Roll history for kearnsdt

Showing rolls 1 to 4 of 24 | top | next 20

2015-02-21 09:02:00Bayushi MakotoMirror, Mirror Downtime7d10o10k4 29
2015-02-21 08:38:01Bayushi MakotoMirror, Mirror Downtime Sincerity Roll7d10o10k4 33
2015-02-08 15:07:01Tsuruchi ShigeruIs he still himInvestigation in the Geisha House6d10o10k3 28
2015-01-18 08:43:50Tsuruchi ShigeruThe Wandering Travels of a Maybe MantisPerception Roll in House6d10o10k3 19

Showing rolls 1 to 4 of 24 | top | next 20

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