Dice Roller

Roll history for praetus

Showing rolls 1 to 11 of 91 | top | next 20

2014-07-23 19:24:04awareness1d100 24
2014-07-15 02:51:14weapons1d100 59
2014-07-15 02:49:27buying weapons2#1d100 50 25
2014-07-15 02:48:31buying weapons2#1d100 98 75
2014-07-15 02:47:36buying weapons2#1d100 68 94
2014-07-15 02:44:503#1d100 83 58 30
2014-07-09 22:12:16precognition1d10 7
2014-07-07 22:35:36common lore1d100 31
2014-07-02 19:41:08charm1d100 64
2014-06-26 01:12:56Praetuskillians runcharm test1d100 71
2014-06-12 05:19:46PraetusKilling TimeSearching for a person2d10 11

Showing rolls 1 to 11 of 91 | top | next 20

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