Dice Roller

Roll history for rucdoc

Showing rolls 24 to 43 of 63 | top | next 20 | prev 20

2011-01-21 23:07:17Big Jimriftssquence shooting the bikes6#1d20-1 15 12 1 17 14 16
2011-01-19 21:37:41Big Jimriftsdamage roll I forgot6d6 20
2011-01-19 21:27:03Big Jimriftsdamage if not dodged3#6d6 17 9 21 6d6*2 44
2011-01-19 21:17:43Bij Jimriftsshooting at sky cycle 26#3d6-1 10 3 10 10 12 9
2011-01-18 21:53:57Big JimRiftsIniative3d6+3 16
2011-01-14 23:42:14Raif ter'zuthe rebelion beginspilot check1d20+14 32
2011-01-09 22:28:21Tam rokerebel twilighthp roll2d6+2 12
2011-01-06 20:10:33Tam RokeRebel Twilightstarting cash3d4*400 3600
2011-01-02 19:28:19Vashthe rebelion beginsraiseing sheilds1d20+3 16
2010-12-30 22:44:06Jimmythe rebelion beginsperception check1d20+7 20
2010-12-30 21:18:07Jimmythe rebelion beginsperception check1d20+7 13
2010-12-26 13:46:20Thug 1the rebelion beginsperception check1d20+7 11
2010-12-26 13:43:38Gurnythe rebelion beginspersuasion check1d20+2 10
2010-12-24 16:27:08Ion testIon testIon Test8d10*5 265
2010-12-24 16:24:07Ion cannon testIon cannon testIon cannon test8d10*5 190
2010-12-24 16:22:55Ion Cannon testIon Cannon testIon Cannon test8d10x5 8
2010-12-24 11:32:10Vash and Gurnythe rebelion beginsperception rolls2#1d20+7 26 14
2010-12-23 18:26:10thug 1the rebelion beginsperception check1d20+7 20
2010-12-23 18:23:47Vash Owenthe rebelion beginsdeception1d20+7 27
2010-12-23 10:12:38Thug 1the rebelion beginsperception roll1d20+7 11

Showing rolls 24 to 43 of 63 | top | next 20 | prev 20

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