Dice Roller

Roll history for syzpid

Showing rolls 1 to 5 of 25 | top | next 20

2015-01-04 20:14:03Hillside Cannibal3SL1. Extra Arms 2. +MA 3. +AV1d3 3
2015-01-03 20:06:49Transmorphers3SL1. Extra Arms 2. Accurate 3. Leader1d3 2
2015-01-03 12:11:48Snakes On A Train3SL1. Disturbing Presence 2. Prehensile Tail 3. Thick Skull1d3 1
2015-01-03 10:47:18Lincoln Vs Zombies3SL1.Two Heads 2. Horns 3.Sure Feet1d3 3
2014-12-30 10:59:01Team Selection3SL1. Chorf 2. Skaven 3. Underworld1d3 3

Showing rolls 1 to 5 of 25 | top | next 20

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