Dice Roller

Roll history for xian

Showing rolls 1 to 12 of 12 | top

2019-11-01 20:35:081 is frame, 2 is forza1d2 1
2018-03-15 10:16:014d4 7
2017-10-31 09:10:04oakwtonyassist emmy2d6+1 8
2016-11-04 06:30:11MSSThese guys got synth nerves or nah (1 no, 2 yes, 3 just this one does)1d3 3
2016-10-27 21:10:05oakwtonfind some ghosts (vampires?)2d6+1 4
2016-04-08 12:43:02OakWTONYWrangle this beast2d6+3 9
2016-02-11 23:46:26NathWonderlandBuilding the Wondernet4dF+5 5
2015-12-23 10:58:21VinceTraveling LightPass Two2d6 5
2015-12-23 10:56:45LibertyTraveling LightPass Two2d6 9
2015-12-23 10:54:11VinceTraveling LightPass One2d6 3
2015-12-23 10:52:59LibertyTraveling LightPass One2d6 7
2015-12-07 20:45:54ElizaMagik FrogLenny Throw4dF+6 4

Showing rolls 1 to 12 of 12 | top

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