Dice Roller

DescriptionD7. LE. Retribution. Shooting newest Stormtroopers. Two weapons so +1eD. Ranged (Light) vs Average. Two setback lowered to 1 with Custom Grip. Accurate 2. Boost from Sol. Aim twice. 5 boosts total. +1 advantage from Paired Weapons.
Results3eP+1eA+5eB+2eD+1eS: 6 successes, 1 advantage, 1 Triumph [3eP=S, S/S, Tr] [1eA=A/A] [5eB=-, S/A, S/A, -, -] [2eD=Th, Th/Th] [1eS=-]

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Timestamp: 2021-05-30 20:49:36 PT

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