Dice Roller

Campaign history for BATTLEWORLD

Showing rolls 695 to 714 of 714 | top | prev 20

2011-11-04 18:00:32lenkuGMBATTLEWORLDPetrification Ray v. Beast Fort1d20+14 17
2011-11-04 17:57:26lenkuGMBATTLEWORLDWho gets what laser1d4 3 1d10 8
2011-11-04 17:44:40lenkuGMBATTLEWORLDDamage for brilliant ray1d6+5 6
2011-11-04 17:42:00lenkuGMBATTLEWORLDDamage for terror ray2d8+5 14
2011-11-04 17:41:20lenkuGMBATTLEWORLDBrilliant Ray v. Korfax Will, Terror Ray v. Gigante Will2#1d20+14 17 22
2011-11-04 17:34:35lenkuGMBATTLEWORLDMain Eye v. Korfax, Gigante, Beast and Edgar Will4#1d20+12 26 26 25 28
2011-11-04 15:26:07lenkuGMBATTLEWORLDNothing to see here, move along four, get on the floor, everybody walk the dinosaur1d20+13 21
2011-11-02 06:32:22BlankCFather BobBATTLEWORLDRighteous Brand vs AC of watcher1d20+12 18 1d10+7 11
2011-11-02 04:37:41SpigsGrintBattleworldBola Takedown vs Reflex1d20+10 26 1d4+1+1d8 4
2011-11-01 22:55:40BlankCFather BobBATTLEWORLDWeapon of Divine Protection vs fort of Beholder1d20+12 26 1d10+1d6+7 16
2011-11-01 17:57:59MalachamavetCindyBattleworldStealth1d20+5 10
2011-11-01 17:53:05MalachamavetCindyBattleworldScorching Burst vs. Fortitude (FG, 45)1d20+10 15 1d6+11 12
2011-11-01 17:52:27MalachamavetCindyBattleworldScorching Burst vs. Fortitude (FG, 45)1d20+10 23 1d6+11 17
2011-11-01 17:02:02MMThundarrViceBATTLEWORLDSave vs slow1d20 16
2011-11-01 17:01:17MMThundarrViceBATTLEWORLDPerception1d20+3 19
2011-11-01 16:36:24PsykmoeKorfaxBattleworldDominator's Strike vs Beholder's lowest defense.1d20+11 12 1d10+5 13
2011-11-01 15:50:57gouwepvEdgar FortressBattleworldSundering Might vs AC1d20+11 13 1d8+9 11
2011-11-01 15:48:14gouwepvEdgar FortressBattleworldHealing Word bonus1d6 3
2011-11-01 12:02:24RyuujinThe BeastBattleworldFurious Assalt + Power Strike for charge against Beholder4d6r1 12
2011-11-01 11:59:11RyuujinThe BeastBattleworldMelee Basic Charge Attack vs Beholder's AC1d20+12+3 25 2d6r1+13+1+1d8 29

Showing rolls 695 to 714 of 714 | top | prev 20

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