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Campaign history for Dawn of the empire

Showing rolls 3660 to 3679 of 3799 | top | next 20 | prev 20

2021-06-29 07:54:37DurasayMixoHisomu MatsuDawn of the EmpireEE8 - Iai Player Event - Step 3 Strike v. GENJI (Reflexes 3, Iaijutsu 3, +6 MS 1, TN23)6d10o10k3+6 48
2021-06-29 07:49:20DurasayMixoHisomu MatsuDawn of the EmpireEE8 - Iai Player Event - Step 2 Focus v. GENJI (Void 3, Iaijutsu 3, Focus Emphasis, +6 MS 1, VP +1k1, YOLO 3CR, TN41)7d10ro1o10k4+6 49
2021-06-29 07:46:12DurasayMixoHisomu MatsuDawn of the EmpireEE8 - Iai Player Event - Step 1 Assessment v. GENJI (Awareness 2, Iaijutsu 3, Assessment Emphasis, +6 MS 1, VP +1k1, YOLO 3CR, TN35)6d10ro1o10k3+6 20
2021-06-29 07:13:15waytonMakime AyanoDawn of the EmpirePerform: Song/AWA Again! TN15. VP for skill.4d10o10k3 16
2021-06-29 07:12:34waytonMakime AyanoDawn of the EmpireEncore! Why Not! 1 VP for +1k1. Stamina 1 because of Weakness. TN 102d10o10 13
2021-06-29 07:11:11waytonMakime AyanoDawn of the EmpirePerform:Song/AWA. VP for for Skill. TN15. Go ahead Orokos Crush the Poor Girl's Dreams Again.4d10o10k3 23
2021-06-29 07:00:34KuwananKakitaDawn of the EmpireD8 Duel Event Strike v. Hikaru 4 CR TN 40 VP10d10o10k7 48
2021-06-29 06:55:52KuwananKakitaDawn of the EmpireD8 Duel Event Focus v. Hikaru 4 CR 1FR TN 55 VP10d10ro1o10k10+8 131
2021-06-29 06:53:59KuwananKakitaDawn of the EmpireD8 Duel Event Assessment v. Hikaru 4 CR TN 4010d10o10k8 56
2021-06-29 06:45:30FukurokujinOtomo GusaiDawn of the EmpireD8EE Quick Draw, 3CR for TN 25, VP8d10o10k4 27
2021-06-29 06:15:20Usagi GinhikoJiyo SoraDawn of the EmpireEtiquette/Awareness to look impassive, -5 from Disturbing Countenance.3d10o10k2 19
2021-06-29 06:15:13FukurokujinOtomo GusaiDawn of the EmpireD8LA Follow Your Nose (1FR, 2CR, VP: TN 25)7d10o10k4 38
2021-06-29 06:12:56FukurokujinOtomo GusaiDawn of the EmpireD8LA My First Clue (VP for Skill)4d10o10k3 21
2021-06-29 05:51:28Kitsu ShukeiAnjing SagaraDawn of the EmpireArt Exhibition, D8-EE. Sculpting/Agility, Sculpt 3, Agi 3, Void +1k1, 7k4. 3 raises, TN257d10o10k4 43
2021-06-29 03:27:15booksnakeKyoseiDawn of the EmpireD8, EA, Gift of Amaterasu, 2 CR, TN 207d10o10k4 24
2021-06-29 02:56:42VanifaeDoji DojihimeDawn of the EmpireSincerity + Void8d10o10k6+5 65
2021-06-29 02:55:48VanifaeDoji DojihimeDawn of the EmpireEtiquette7d10o10k5+5 58
2021-06-29 02:20:39booksnakeKyoseiDawn of the EmpireD8, LE, Perform Drums/Agil, 2 CR, TN 256d10o10k4 20
2021-06-29 01:27:53booksnakeKyoseiDawn of the EmpireD8, EM, Engineering/Int, VP for 1k1, 2 CR, TN 306d10o10k5 21
2021-06-29 01:25:08booksnakeKyoseiDawn of the EmpireD8, EM, Attack!, Stealth/Agil, VP for phantom rank, 1CR, TN 255d10o10k4 30

Showing rolls 3660 to 3679 of 3799 | top | next 20 | prev 20

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