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Campaign history for Dawn of the empire

Showing rolls 3640 to 3659 of 3799 | top | next 20 | prev 20

2021-06-29 01:14:47booksnakeKyoseiDawn of the EmpireD8, EM, Inspire, Drums/Agil, VP for 1k1, 3 CR, TN 307d10o10k5 38
2021-06-29 00:59:31HussarHantei GenjiDawn of the EmpireD8 EA random sincerity, Prodigy5d10o10k3 24
2021-06-28 21:06:31KuwananKakitaDawn of the EmpireD8 LA Meditation5d10o10k4 24
2021-06-28 20:36:16Asako TamakiHisomu KuniDawn of the EmpireCraft: Tailoring/Reflexes VOID 3 Raises TN 256d10o10k4 40
2021-06-28 19:31:01Usagi GinhikoJiyo SoraDawn of the EmpireHeave Ho!- Raw Strength, TN 153d10o10 11
2021-06-28 19:29:08Usagi GinhikoJiyo SoraDawn of the EmpireTear Down Their Banner!- Stealth/Agility, TN 205d10o10k4 21
2021-06-28 19:25:58Usagi GinhikoJiyo SoraDawn of the EmpireGreat Snowball War- Skirmish!- Kenjutsu/Reflexes, 2 called raises, TN 259d10o10k4 33
2021-06-28 19:19:59utsusemiBayushi KogiDawn of the EmpireD8 LM-- Inv/Per vs. Tsubaki's Deceit. 2x FR from BC1. Void I guess b/c what else am I using it for ¯\_(ツ)_/¯6d10o10k4+10 42
2021-06-28 18:33:30VanifaeDoji DojihimeDawn of the EmpireSincerity Honesty7d10o10k5+5 28
2021-06-28 18:26:25DurasayMixoHisomu MatsuDawn of the EmpireLM8 - The Duel - Contesting Tsubaki's Sincerity (Perception 3, Investigation 3, +6 Matsu Sentinel 1, 1 VP, TN45)7d10o10k4+6 33
2021-06-28 18:23:45Asako TamakiHisomu KuniDawn of the EmpireKakita Tainted? Lore: Shadowlands/Int Void9d10o10k4 48
2021-06-28 18:17:09TenjobitoDoji MisakiDawn of the EmpireDay 8, EM, SNOWBALLS!, Aftermath, Engineer/Int to fix (And Improve!) the garden structures, 2 called raises to do the improving, TN30, VP 1k110d10ro1o10k6 52
2021-06-28 18:12:25TenjobitoDoji MisakiDawn of the EmpireDay 8, EM, SNOWBALLS!, Defend for the Gardeners, Etiquette/Awareness TN206d10o10k4 27
2021-06-28 18:11:08TenjobitoDoji MisakiDawn of the EmpireDay 8, EM, SNOWBALLS!, Engineer/Int w/ 2 called raises, TN 25 to build THE FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE7d10ro1o10k4 36
2021-06-28 18:06:04ZweihandedHantei KinsenDawn of the EmpireD8, EM, Part 3) The Aftermath STR TN30 (3 raises)6d10o10k5 47
2021-06-28 18:03:52ZweihandedHantei KinsenDawn of the EmpireD8, EM, Part 2) The Battle Jiujutsu/STR TN 35 (3 raises)8d10o10k5 34
2021-06-28 18:00:22ZweihandedHantei KinsenDawn of the EmpireD8, EM, Part 1) The Build Up Athletics/STR TN 30 (3 raises)6d10o10k5 55
2021-06-28 17:56:26Kaito Feng ChengAkodo MoshiDawn of the EmpireD8 LM: casting path to inner peace, dutiful disciple7d10o10k3 23
2021-06-28 17:25:24VanifaeDoji DojihimeDawn of the EmpireEtiquette7d10o10k5+5 46
2021-06-28 17:09:39BakurielHadananziDawn of the EmpireDamage vs Kakita6d10o10k2 11

Showing rolls 3640 to 3659 of 3799 | top | next 20 | prev 20

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