Dice Roller

Campaign history for Dream team

Showing rolls 1 to 20 of 40 | top | next 20

2017-07-29 20:05:14congyoglasGorillaDream TeamTou vs 251d20+10 28
2017-07-29 20:04:19congyoglasPsychicDream TeamTou vs 241d20+10 28
2017-07-29 19:57:59HG MorrisonArgonautDream TeamSplit Attack vs Gorilla (DC20) and Psychic (DC19)1d20+11 31
2017-07-24 20:44:51congyoglasPsychicDream TeamTou vs 211d20+14 17
2017-07-24 18:53:39Heritage367Miracle GirlDream TeamHeat Vision attack1d20+14 25
2017-07-24 17:07:00Heritage367Miracle GirlDream TeamHeat Vision attack1d20+14 16
2017-07-24 00:47:32TheRedGuyEl HuracánDream TeamTaunt Electro1d20+8 17
2017-07-22 19:35:28congyoglasPyroDream TeamStr vs 211d20+2 3
2017-07-21 05:53:44Kolohehonu144HyperactiveDream TeamWill save1d20+5 17
2017-07-20 21:58:44Heritage367Miracle GirlDream TeamWill save1d20+10 22
2017-07-20 20:52:55congyoglasElectromanDream TeamTaunt vs. Miracle Girl1d20+10 22
2017-07-20 20:50:02congyoglasElectromanDream TeamAttack vs. Miracle Girl1d20+11 14
2017-07-18 06:03:22Kolohehonu144HyperactiveDream TeamGet at the pack1d20+8 26
2017-07-17 11:29:25Kolohehonu144HyperactiveDream TeamDisable Device reroll1d20+12 27
2017-07-17 11:27:03Kolohehonu144HyperactiveDream teamDisable device1d20+12 13
2017-07-17 06:21:07Kolohehonu144HyperactiveDream TeamInitiative1d20+12 23
2017-07-17 05:49:57HG MorrisonArgonautDream TeamInitiative1d20+7 8
2017-07-17 02:05:30TheRedGuyEl HuracánDream TeamInitiative Roll1d20+4 13
2017-07-17 00:48:48Heritage367Miracle GirlDream TeamInitiative roll1d20+9 12
2017-07-16 16:15:23RaveledDream TeamScience10#1d20 12 13 9 9 11 18 16 8 11 7

Showing rolls 1 to 20 of 40 | top | next 20

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