Dice Roller

Campaign history for Dungeon Delve

Showing rolls 5 to 24 of 24 | top | prev 20

2010-03-03 20:33:56TrustPACaelDungeon DelveSneak Attack Damage VS O22d6 11
2010-03-03 20:31:47TrustPACaelDungeon DelveLow Slash vs Reflex1d20+9+2+5 35 1d4+4+1+5 14
2010-02-23 08:49:38TrustPACaelDungeon DelveDeft Strike vs AC with CA1d20+9+2 19 1d4+4+1 8 2d6 11
2010-02-22 19:01:42TrustPACaelDungeon DelveInitiative1d20+4 18
2010-02-16 19:28:56TrustPACaelDungeon DelveDeft Strike vs AC (with CA) against Orc1d20+11 28 1d4+5 8 2d6 12
2010-02-16 10:47:10TrustPACaelDungeon DelveStealth1d20+9 18
2010-02-16 10:46:06TrustPACaelDungeon DelveAthletics - Lifting the stone1d20+7 17
2010-02-14 19:39:13TrustPACaelDungeon DelveAthletics (climb check)1d20+7 11
2009-11-15 20:25:493clipseTanirDungeon DelveBond of Pursuit2#1d20+11 22 27 1d12+10 16
2009-11-12 14:35:51danshepEran DynmorDungeon DelveInspiring Word1d6+4 5
2009-11-12 14:25:16danshepEran DynmorDungeon DelveBull rush vs Bugbear1d20+4 10
2009-11-09 14:33:55danshepEran DynmorDungeon DelveLead the Attack vs AC on Madgutt1d20+9 26 3d8+4 14
2009-11-05 23:11:013clipseTanirDungeon DelveArcana1d20+2 22
2009-11-05 20:33:233clipseTanirDungeon DelveInitiative1d20+7 20
2009-10-31 06:03:39danshepEran DynmorDungeon DelveWarlord's Favor vs AC1d20+8 24 2d8+3 11
2009-10-27 23:04:15danshepEran DynmorDungeon DelveSave vs effect1d20 13
2009-10-27 22:57:10danshepSonnaDungeon DelveMelee Basic Attack vs AC on GS31d20+10 16 1d8+5 7
2009-10-27 22:55:54danshepEran DynmorDungeon DelveWolf Pack Tactics vs AC1d20+4 19 1d4+3 4
2009-10-19 15:50:33danshepEran DynmorDungeon DelveMelee Basic Attack vs AC on GH1d20+8-2 14 1d8+3 4
2009-10-16 16:43:53danshepTiriaraDungeon DelveHunters Quarry1d6 4

Showing rolls 5 to 24 of 24 | top | prev 20

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