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Campaign history for Expedition to the Ruins of Greyhawk

Showing rolls 961 to 980 of 980 | top | prev 20

2025-02-08 11:59:40sizzleGMExpedition to the Ruins of GreyhawkGreyhawk weather1d100 59
2025-01-28 09:34:27sizzleGMExpedition to the Ruins of GreyhawkCacophony, Absolution, Daniel, Kangor, Zhenis, Beovar, Hemnehrsvard Reflex Saves (DC 18)1d20+12 22 1d20+8 20 1d20+9 17 1d20+8 13 1d20+12 31 1d20+11 14...
2025-01-28 09:27:05sizzleGMExpedition to the Ruins of GreyhawkCone of Cold9d6 31
2025-01-28 04:01:02HerodawinZhenisExpedition to the Ruins of GreyhawkDamage of Psionic Shot on first bolt3#2d6 7 3 5
2025-01-28 04:00:12HerodawinZhenisExpedition to the Ruins of GreyhawkDamage of mind arrows (ghost touch, bane undead, excluding Psionic Shot on first)3#1d8+9+2d6 23 21 16
2025-01-28 03:57:40HerodawinZhenisExpedition to the Ruins of GreyhawkBarrage of mind arrows (ghost touch, bane undead, Psionic Shot on first)3#1d20+15 18 33 31
2025-01-27 19:37:37sizzleGMExpedition to the Ruins of GreyhawkCold Damage1d6 6
2025-01-27 19:32:27sizzleGMExpedition to the Ruins of GreyhawkCold Shadow Incorporeal Touch1d20+6 17
2025-01-27 03:06:04Mr AdventurerKangorox TrilobarExpedition to the Ruins of GreyhawkAttack rolls; damage rolls1d20+12 26 1d20+7 16 2#1d10+33+2d6+1d6 42 44
2025-01-22 04:54:06HerodawinZhenisExpedition to the Ruins of GreyhawkDamage of mind arrow (ghost touch, bane undead) at spell caster + plus critical4#1d8+9+1d6 17 19 14 15
2025-01-22 04:51:34HerodawinZhenisExpedition to the Ruins of GreyhawkCritical of mind arrow (ghost touch, bane undead) at spell caster1d20+15 18
2025-01-22 04:49:49HerodawinZhenisExpedition to the Ruins of GreyhawkBarrage of mind arrows (ghost touch, bane undead) at spell caster3#1d20+15 16 31 35
2025-01-21 08:27:36HerodawinZhenisExpedition to the Ruins of Greyhawkdamage of mind arrows (ghost touch, bane undead)3#1d8+7+2d6 19 17 21
2025-01-21 08:24:28HerodawinZhenisExpedition to the Ruins of GreyhawkBarrage of mind arrows (ghost touch, bane undead)3#1d20+13 31 23 21
2025-01-20 14:28:49sizzleGMExpedition to the Ruins of GreyhawkBeovar Spiked Chain damage2d4+2d6+16 25
2025-01-20 14:25:42sizzleGMExpedition to the Ruins of GreyhawkBeovar AoO1d20+12 26
2025-01-20 14:19:12sizzleGMExpedition to the Ruins of GreyhawkCold Shadow incorporeal touch (vs touch AC)1d20+6 13
2025-01-20 14:17:25sizzleGMExpedition to the Ruins of GreyhawkCold Damage1d6 5
2025-01-20 14:15:52sizzleGMExpedition to the Ruins of GreyhawkCold Shadow incorporeal touch (vs touch AC)1d20+6 17
2025-01-20 14:01:06sizzleGMExpedition to the Ruins of GreyhawkCacophony, Absolution, Daniel, Kangor, Zhenis, Beovar, Hemnehrsvard Reflex Saves (DC 18)1d20+12 32 1d20+8 11 1d20+9 22 1d20+8 27 1d20+12 31 1d20+11 14...

Showing rolls 961 to 980 of 980 | top | prev 20

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