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Campaign history for Fist of the Lion

Showing rolls 937 to 956 of 976 | top | next 20 | prev 20

2011-02-20 21:32:40TheArchimageBoshtan'niFist of the LionBluff1d20+12 25
2011-02-20 16:47:15ritorixKominFist of the Liondeath saving throw3#1d20 17 17 18
2011-02-20 16:28:01Dark080MatterKniera Hal'tekFist of the LionMelee Basic Attack vs Komin's AC (+2 for Combat advantage)2#1d20+10 12 27 2#1d8+4 10 9
2011-02-20 16:00:55ritorixTamarapalFist of the LionUnhinging Emotion vs Kniera, three times3#1d20+11 19 12 30 3#1d6+4 7 9 7
2011-02-20 15:56:05ritorixTamarapalFist of the LionHamanu's Curse vs Komin, Kniera Reflex1d20+9 27 1d20+9 13 2d6+3 12
2011-02-19 20:16:50Dark080MatterKniera Hal'tekFist of the LionGreenflame Blade vs. Rin AC (Coup De Grace, +2 CA and -5 to Rin's defenses for being Unconscious) - any hit is an auto-critical1d20+11+2 18 1d6+13 16
2011-02-19 19:25:49gouwepvKomin HopperFist of the LionHeal1d20+8 27
2011-02-19 18:06:34ritorixSarhanFist of the LionHamanu's Fist vs Tamarapal AC1d20+12-2 13 3d6+5 18
2011-02-19 17:41:06TheArchimageBoshtan'niFist of the LionAdept's Insight1d4+1 5
2011-02-19 17:37:09TheArchimageBoshtan'niFist of the LionMind Thrust vs Will (Delving)1d20+10 18 1d10+6 11
2011-02-19 13:06:16MordiceiusRinFist of the LionDeath Save 11d20 7
2011-02-19 13:05:51MordiceiusRinFist of the LionSave vs Lightning Damage1d20 12
2011-02-19 12:34:35Dark080MatterKniera Hal'tekFist of the LionCharge Basic Attack vs Bianeser AC1d20+11 16 1d12+4 5
2011-02-19 12:31:37Dark080MatterKniera Hal'tekFist of the LionBlazing Lunge vs Rin's Reflex (Reckless Breakage re-roll)1d20+11+1 17
2011-02-19 12:24:48Dark080MatterKniera Hal'tekFist of the LionBlazing Lunge vs Rin's Reflex (+1 charge)1d20+11+1 13 2d12+5 16
2011-02-19 11:23:30RyuujinPi-ik-chaFist of the LionCrane's Wings vs Fortitude w/CA against Bianeser1d20+8+2 27 1d10+5 8
2011-02-18 17:42:45ritorixBianeserFist of the Lionlongsword vs haruum ac1d20+11-2 19 2d6+6 13 2d6 7
2011-02-18 15:55:37ManMythLegendHaruumFist of the LionStinging Nettles vs Fortitude (Flanking)1d20+8+2 26 2d10+5 16
2011-02-18 05:41:09gouwepvKomin HopperFist of the LionSave vs Lightning and slow1d20 11
2011-02-18 05:36:55gouwepvKomin HopperFist of the LionHungrey Spear Attack vs AC1d20+12 29 1d10+6 11

Showing rolls 937 to 956 of 976 | top | next 20 | prev 20

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