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Campaign history for Fist of the Lion

Showing rolls 917 to 936 of 976 | top | next 20 | prev 20

2011-02-17 21:55:57ritorixSarhanFist of the LionHamanu's Fist vs Tamarapal AC1d20+12-2 11 3d6+5 16
2011-02-17 21:53:01ritorixPi-ik-chaFist of the LionMelee Basic Attack vs Bianeser AC1d20+11 23 1d8+5 8
2011-02-17 21:51:02ritorixBianeserFist of the LionSpark Shot vs Komin reflex1d20+11 29 2d8+4 10
2011-02-17 21:50:25ritorixBianeserFist of the LionSpark Shot vs Komin reflex1d20+11 25 2d8+4 8
2011-02-17 21:46:35ritorixBianeserFist of the Lionrecharge volley on a 61d6 5
2011-02-17 18:57:04Dark080MatterKniera Hal'tekFist of the LionTemplar's Fist vs Sarhan's Will1d20+8 18 1d10+5 8
2011-02-16 21:32:35ritorixBianeserFist of the LionLongsword vs Piks AC1d20+11-2 25 2d6+6 10 2d6 8
2011-02-15 21:58:57RyuujinPi-ik-chaFist of the LionFive Storms vs Reflex against Bianeser1d20+8 25 1d8+5 9
2011-02-15 20:25:53gouwepvKomin HopperFist of the LionSave vs Lightning/Slow1d20 16
2011-02-15 20:24:04gouwepvKomin HopperFist of the LionMelee Basic Attack vs AC1d20+12 15 1d10+6 14
2011-02-15 20:23:35gouwepvKomin HopperFist of the LionCharge Attack vs AC1d20+13 24 1d10+7 17
2011-02-15 18:23:51ManMythLegendHaruumFist of the LionSave vs Ongoing and Slow1d20 18
2011-02-15 18:22:32ManMythLegendHaruumFist of the LionFallen Needle vs Reflex1d20+8 15 1d10+5 8
2011-02-15 17:12:53TheArchimageBoshtan'niFist of the LionMind Thrust vs Will (Delving)1d20+10+1+1 22 2d10+6 16
2011-02-15 17:03:15MordiceiusRinFist of the LionHealing Spirit Bonus1d6 4
2011-02-15 16:58:35MordiceiusRinFist of the LionSpring Renewal Strike vs Fortitude1d20+8 11 2d8+5 12
2011-02-15 16:57:36MordiceiusRinFist of the LionSave vs Lightning/Slow1d20 4
2011-02-15 16:52:18TheArchimageBoshtan'niFist of the LionStatic Mote Attack vs Reflex1d20+10 11 1d6+6 10
2011-02-15 15:49:29ritorixSarhanFist of the Lionsave vs tamarapals crap1d20 17
2011-02-15 15:36:05ritorixSarhanFist of the LionHamanu's Glare vs Tamarapal AC1d20+12-2 21 3d6+5 10

Showing rolls 917 to 936 of 976 | top | next 20 | prev 20

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