Dice Roller

Campaign history for Rising tide

Showing rolls 450 to 469 of 589 | top | next 20 | prev 20

2017-07-31 14:51:26scaldedApertaRising Tideshootin' sniper NE1d100 27
2017-07-31 14:42:30scaldednorthern tweaker 1Rising TideSmite damage1d10+1 3
2017-07-31 14:40:42scaldednorthern tweaker 1Rising Tidefocus1d100 9
2017-07-31 14:33:33scaldednorthmost tweakersRising Tide2d1002d100 127
2017-07-31 14:28:00scaldedMaxRising Tidedamaging sniper w/chainsword2d10k1+5 13
2017-07-31 14:26:07scaldedMaxRising Tidechargin' sniper v21d100 25
2017-07-31 14:25:53scaldedMaxRising Tidechargin' sniper1d100 89
2017-07-31 14:24:03scaldedBulworthRising Tidehow loud is this sniper!!2d10 7
2017-07-31 07:59:20DeathSandwichBarry "The Bull" BulworthRising TideWarehouse raid: Attack 2 DAMAGE3d10+6 22
2017-07-31 07:54:05DeathSandwichBarry "The Bull" BulworthRising TideWarehouse Raid: Attack 21d100 27
2017-07-31 05:50:24thatbastardkenGammaRising TideBolt Pistol Damage2d10k1+5 14
2017-07-31 05:49:06thatbastardkenGammaRising TideShooting Rho TN 851d100 79
2017-07-30 12:45:05scaldedIgnatiusRising Tidestiletto damage1d5+2 3
2017-07-30 12:40:20scaldedIgnatiusRising Tidecharge, stab1d100 18
2017-07-30 11:13:21DeathSandwichBarry "The Bull" BulworthRising TideWarehouse Raid: Sniping Catwalk man DAMAGE, first being weapon, second two being accurate dice3d10+6 12
2017-07-30 11:08:12DeathSandwichBarry "The Bull" BulworthRising TideWarehouse Raid: Sniping Catwalk man1d100 27
2017-07-30 11:05:16DeathSandwichBarry "The Bull" BulworthRising TideInitiative: Warehouse Raid1d10+4 6
2017-07-30 08:39:11scaldedthe other guardsRising Tideanyone hear a head explode?? no???15#1d100 54 64 69 75 6 2 47 15 56 7 53...
2017-07-30 07:57:14SAWhoWhatNowApertaRising TideDamage vs Rho1d10+6 14
2017-07-30 07:49:42SAWhoWhatNowApertaRising TidePlasma Attack vs Rho TN 114 FATE REROLL1d100 78

Showing rolls 450 to 469 of 589 | top | next 20 | prev 20

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