Dice Roller

Campaign history for Rising tide

Showing rolls 430 to 449 of 589 | top | next 20 | prev 20

2017-07-30 07:46:45SAWhoWhatNowApertaRising TidePlasma Attack vs Rho TN 1141d100 96
2017-07-30 03:46:36scaldedMaxRising Tidestun-damage v21d10+3 4
2017-07-30 03:39:00scaldedMax NPCRising Tidecharge-stun2#1d100 20 47
2017-07-30 01:05:06thatbastardkenGammaRising TideAssail Damage1d10+2 4
2017-07-30 01:03:41thatbastardkenGammaRising TideAssail PR 2 TN 701d100 52
2017-07-30 01:03:09thatbastardkenGammaRising TideAssail PR 2 TN 701d100 80
2017-07-29 07:19:48scaldedLuciaRising Tidesecond hit damage reroll1d10+5 9
2017-07-29 07:18:51scaldedLuciaRising Tidedamaging the camera dude2#1d10+5 14 7
2017-07-29 07:17:36scaldedLuciaRising Tidepunchin' camera dude2#1d100 14 29
2017-07-25 14:48:53scaldedIgnatiusRising Tidescrutiny for cables1d100 77
2017-07-25 14:40:39scaldedguardsRising Tidehearin', again2#1d100 61 99
2017-07-25 14:36:21scaldedBulworthRising Tideanother stealth test1d100 86
2017-07-25 14:31:59scaldedLuciaRising tideneck-snappin'6#1d10+5 14 8 7 7 15 13
2017-07-19 12:44:57scaldedguardsRising Tideawareness re: curious thudding3#1d100 34 69 92
2017-07-19 12:36:52scaldedmax, luciaRising Tidestunning2#1d10 8 8
2017-07-19 12:34:19scaldedmax, luciaRising TideCHARGE. STUN. CHUN. STARGE.2#1d100 12 69
2017-07-18 13:52:11scaldedMax, two guardsRising Tideawareness3#1d100 16 63 79
2017-07-16 13:55:18scaldedMaxRising Tideawareness, security2#1d100 16 24
2017-07-16 13:44:40scaldedGammaRising Tideawareness1d100 64
2017-07-16 03:05:29thatbastardkenGammaRising TideFocus Power (Warp Perception PR 1) TN 601d100 16

Showing rolls 430 to 449 of 589 | top | next 20 | prev 20

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