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Campaign history for War Against The Iron Pyramid

Showing rolls 344 to 363 of 463 | top | next 20 | prev 20

2017-04-27 23:51:21squidheadjaxBone CollectorWar Against the Iron Pyramidgnosis + matter4d10h8 2
2017-04-23 22:01:39ArcaneMulderWar Against The Iron PyramidDexterity + Subterfuge -2 for Active Mage Sight +3 for Willpower Point5d10h8 1
2017-04-23 03:32:24SkycroftLéxiWar against the Iron PyramidWits+Empathy4d10h8 2
2017-04-22 21:58:13ArcaneMulderWar Against The Iron PyramidCasting Correspondence9d10h8 2
2017-04-21 17:49:10squidheadjaxBone CollectorWar Against the Iron Pyramidresolve+occult5d10h8 4
2017-04-16 17:29:40squidheadjaxBone CollectorWar Against the Iron Pyramidresearch4d10h8 2
2017-04-15 23:45:10MetalFatigueKirály JósWar Against the Iron Pyramidparadox, contained (didn't roll enough dice)1d10h8 0
2017-04-15 23:40:40MetalFatigueKirály JósWar Against the Iron PyramidManip+Persuasion+SL+3-18d10h8 2
2017-04-15 23:35:32MetalFatigueKirály JósWar Against the Iron Pyramidspellcasting (8-again)5d10o8h8 2
2017-04-15 23:32:25MetalFatigueKirály JósWar Against the Iron PyramidWisdom to contain Paradox7d10h8 1
2017-04-15 23:31:37MetalFatigueKirály JósWar Against the Iron Pyramidparadox, contained2d10h8 2
2017-04-15 21:25:16MetalFatigueKirály JósWar Against the Iron Pyramidspellcasting (8-again, exc on 3)5d10o8h8 1
2017-04-13 07:20:21SkycroftLéxiWar against the Iron PyramidPresence+Composure4d10h8 2
2017-04-12 20:26:59squidheadjaxBone CollectorWar Against the Iron Pyramid1 more if misdirection specialty counts1d10h8 1
2017-04-12 20:26:32squidheadjaxBone CollectorWar Against the Iron Pyramidfirst impression via manipulation+subterfuge5d10h8 2
2017-04-11 21:14:55MetalFatigueKirály JósWar Against the Iron PyramidSoul Shock4d10t8 1
2017-04-11 18:21:37insomniacWagnerWar Against the Iron PyramidContacts5d10h8 2
2017-03-21 21:23:15insomniacWagnerWar Against the Iron PyramidTelepathy4d10h8 1
2017-03-21 21:21:24insomniacWagnerWar Against the Iron PyramidParadox, contain3d10h8 0
2017-03-21 21:20:51insomniacWagnerWar Against the Iron PyramidParadox, contain2d10h8 0

Showing rolls 344 to 363 of 463 | top | next 20 | prev 20

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