Dice Roller

Campaign history for War Against the Iron Pyramid

Showing rolls 444 to 463 of 463 | top | prev 20

2019-08-06 16:59:30The TimFenrirWar Against the Iron PyramidPunch1d10h8 2
2019-08-06 16:56:31The TimTaltosWar Against the Iron PyramidGrab2d10h8 0
2017-11-20 19:06:45squidheadjaxBone CollectorWar Against the Iron Pyramidjust to see if only going for 5 would have gotten me potency2d10h8 2
2017-11-20 19:05:25squidheadjaxBone CollectorWar Against the Iron Pyramidcasting Devour the Slain to rip at the soul monster7d10h8 4
2017-11-20 19:03:07squidheadjaxBone CollectorWar Against the Iron Pyramidcontained paradox2d10h8 0
2017-11-14 21:10:01ArcaneMulderWar Against The Iron Pyramid2nd attempt to use Co-Locate Rote with Mind 2 to connect dreamscapes10d10h8 4
2017-11-14 21:09:02ArcaneMulderWar Against The Iron PyramidCasting Co-Location Rote incorporating Mind 2 to connect two dreamscapes10d10h8 0
2017-11-08 10:25:53squidheadjaxBone CollectorWar Against the Iron Pyramidsuppress life8d10h8 5
2017-11-07 20:57:34ArcaneMulderWar Against The Iron PyramidImprovised Mind Knowing Spell - Diagnosis Psychic Condition7d10h8 5
2017-11-06 15:23:23insomniacWagnerWar Against the Iron PyramidResistance (Resolve/Composure)6d10h8 1
2017-10-29 16:05:54insomniacWagnerWar Against the Iron PyramidAvoid Possession!6d10h8 2
2017-10-29 09:31:29insomniacWagnerWar Against the Iron PyramidTelepathy, Chance die1d10 4
2017-10-29 09:26:53insomniacWagnerWar Against the Iron PyramidParadox chance die, Contain1d10 2
2017-10-25 11:34:04insomniacWagnerWar Against the Iron PyramidKnow Nature8d10h8 2
2017-10-19 12:52:41squidheadjaxBone CollectorWar Against the Iron PyramidRevelation (+wp)3d10h8 0
2017-10-19 12:51:49squidheadjaxBone CollectorWar Against the Iron PyramidScrutiny 5 (+wp)8d10h8 2
2017-10-19 12:51:14squidheadjaxBone CollectorWar Against the Iron PyramidScrutiny 4 (+wp)8d10h8 2
2017-10-19 12:50:33squidheadjaxBone CollectorWar Against the Iron PyramidScrutiny 35d10h8 0
2017-10-19 12:49:58squidheadjaxBone CollectorWar Against the Iron PyramidScrutiny 25d10h8 1
2017-10-19 12:49:26squidheadjaxBone CollectorWar Against the Iron PyramidScrutiny5d10h8 2

Showing rolls 444 to 463 of 463 | top | prev 20

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