Dice Roller

Campaign history for marvel noir

Showing rolls 37 to 56 of 56 | top | prev 20

2013-08-14 04:43:27Grunt's GhostsDoom PoolMarvel NoirSafe Cracking 101 (3d6, 1d8)3#1d6 3 4 2 1#1d8 5
2013-08-09 06:45:44Mikey CTSRogueMarvel NoirSlip away unnoticed by her team: d10 Solo, d4 Sense of Responsibility, 2d6 Covert +1 PP1d10+1d4+2d6 18
2013-08-09 06:01:30Grunt's GhostsDoom PoolMarvel NoirRolling against Lucas Cage (4d64#1d6 5 3 2 6
2013-08-01 02:03:02Grunt's GhostsTabitha SmithMarvel NoirBoom BOOM (Team d8, Angry Widow d8, Concussive Blast d10, Area Attack 4d6)2#1d8 4 5 1#1d10 10 4#1d6 5 3 5 1
2013-08-01 01:32:38Grunt's GhostsSpikeMarvel NoirTrying Not To Feel Guilty (Team d10, Angry Worker d4)1#1d10 6 1#1d4 4
2013-08-01 01:30:58Grunt's GhostsToadMarvel NoirTrying Not To Feel Guilty (Team d10, Angry Worker d4)1#1d10 6 1#1d4 3
2013-08-01 01:27:02Grunt's GhostsTabitha SmithMarvel NoirTrying Not To Feel Guilty (Team d8, Angry Widow d4)1#1d8 7 1#1d4 4
2013-07-30 08:54:22Grunt's GhostsSpikeMarvel NoirThrowing Knifes (Team d10, Angry Worker d8, Throwing Spikes d8, Combat Novice d6)1#1d10 1 2#1d8 1 6 1#1d6 3
2013-07-30 04:23:22Grunt's GhostsToadMarvel NoirThrowing Cage into Powerlines (Team d10, Cunning d8, Sparking Powerlines d8, Stretching d4, Enhanced Strength d6, Combat Expert d8)1#1d10 7 3#1d8 8 4 5 1#1d6 1 1#1d4 1
2013-07-30 04:02:32Grunt's GhostsRogueMarvel NoirReaction against Smith (Team d8, Sense of Responsibility d8, Acrobatics Expert 2d6)2#1d8 4 4 2#1d6 1 3
2013-07-22 10:20:30Buddha73Iron FistMarvel NoirDodge Orbs1#1d10 7 2#1d8 4 8 1#1d6 6
2013-07-21 14:57:01Grunt's GhostsTabitha SmithMarvel NoirBoom BOOM (Team d8, Angry Widow d8, Concussive Blast d10, Area Attack 4d6)2#1d8 5 1 1#1d10 1 4#1d6 3 5 4 2
2013-07-21 14:48:45Grunt's GhostsSpikeMarvel NoirReaction against Colossus (Team d10, Angry Worker d8, Enhanced Reflexes d8)1#1d10 2 2#1d8 3 5
2013-07-21 14:30:18Grunt's GhostsToadMarvel NoirReaction against Colossus (Team d10, Cunning d8, Leaping d10, Acrobatics Master d10) )3#1d10 10 8 8 1#1d8 3
2013-07-21 14:24:57Grunt's GhostsTabitha SmithMarvel NoirReaction against Colossus (Team d8, Angry Widow d4)1#1d8 7 1#1d4 3
2013-07-18 17:03:49Grunt's GhostsIronfistMarvel NoirTry to Get the Baddies to Not Kill Us (Team d6, Strong Sense of Honor and Friendship d8, Psych Expert d8)2#1d8 8 8 1#1d6 6
2013-07-18 12:58:23Buddha73Iron FistMarvel Noirtry to get the baddies to not kill us4#1d8 4 6 8 8
2013-07-16 15:14:05Grunt's GhostsDoom PoolMarvel NoirRolling Against Rogue1#1d6 1 1#1d8 8
2013-07-16 15:13:45Grunt's GhostsDoom PoolMarvel NoirRolling Against Rogue1#1d6 4
2013-07-16 14:23:22Mikey CTSRogueMarvel NoirTeam d8 + Sense of Responsibility d82d8 7

Showing rolls 37 to 56 of 56 | top | prev 20

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