Dice Roller

Roll history for Mr Adventurer

Showing rolls 961 to 980 of 1200 | top | next 20 | prev 20

2024-03-18 01:51:25Caledon the OutsiderSheltered HandWisdom save DC 16 negates2d8 8 2d12 19
2024-03-18 01:33:44Caledon the OutsiderSheltered HandInitiative1d20+3 11
2024-03-13 11:58:27Caledon the OutsiderSheltered HandHistory1d20+5 25
2024-03-12 04:07:46Kangorox TrilobarExpedition to the Ruins of GreyhawkSearch1d20+3 21
2024-03-11 09:53:30Kangorox TrilobarExpedition to the Ruins of GreyhawkModerate Wounds2d8+3 11
2024-03-09 10:28:57Balasar DrexSpinworldsSecond Wind1d10+1 5
2024-03-09 10:26:03Balasar DrexSpinworldsAttack; damage1d20+8 11 1d8+5 10
2024-03-09 04:09:09Kangorox TrilobarExpedition to the Ruins of GreyhawkAttack; damage; SR; ability penalty1d20+15 30 1d10+8 11 1d20+10 17 1d6 5
2024-03-06 05:51:46Saul AhrimanEverything and NothingWisdom (Insight)2d20k1+2 8
2024-03-05 13:46:52Balasar DrexSpinworldsConstitution save DC 141d20+6 8
2024-03-05 01:52:59Kangorox TrilobarExpedition to the Ruins of GreyhawkAttack roll; damage roll; spell resistance; ability penalty1d20+13 18 1d10+8 18 1d20+10 12 1d6 6
2024-03-03 12:10:25Balasar DrexSpinworldsDisadvantage die1d20 12
2024-03-03 12:09:20Balasar DrexSpinworldscrit1d8 4
2024-03-03 12:08:48Balasar DrexSpinworldsAttack roll; damage roll1d20+8 28 1d8+5 10
2024-03-02 09:28:25Balasar DrexSpinworldsAttack roll; damage roll1d20+8 19 1d6+5 6
2024-03-01 00:44:01Kangorox TrilobarExpedition to the Ruins of GreyhawkAttack roll; damage roll; spell resistance; ability penalty1d20+13 22 1d10+9 10 1d20+10 17 1d6 2
2024-02-28 11:06:19Balasar DrexSpinworldsAttack roll; damage roll2#1d20+8 12 23 2#1d6+5 8 8
2024-02-28 11:05:39Balasar DrexSpinworldsAttack roll; damage roll1d20+8 9 1d6+5 6
2024-02-28 06:28:56Balasar DrexSpinworldsAttack roll; damage roll1d20+8 16 1d6+5 11
2024-02-28 02:56:18Balasar DrexSpinworldsInitiative1d20+1 21

Showing rolls 961 to 980 of 1200 | top | next 20 | prev 20

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